The Newbie part 2

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As the class began enterting I stayed standing by Mrs. Jane. I put my bag on my claimed spot so I would have my spot later. "Alright class as you enter you will see your annual packet of class intro packets are are on your desk. You know the drill read through it for class rule, expectations, and plans. On the back there is instructions to your introduction assignment due next class period" Mrs. Audrey started.

"Remeber if you would like to work with a partner for the intro project you may. Now I will call your name and one by one u can come up to me to get your camera from the back room, but first Mr. Parker please come over so I can get you up to speed. " Mrs. Audrey continued.

Peter walked over to Jane and I as I smiled kindly at him my beautiful Stark smile that everyone compliments me on. He gave me a shy smile back as Mrs. Audrey began to talk. "This is Vallory, Vallory this is Peter. Vallory here is my best student and will be helping you Peter to learn how to use a camera and success in my class." Jane walked away and I lead Peter over to our table.

"Here is your camera, I already checked out both of ours before class" I said handing Peter his camera bag and putting mine down next to my school bag on the desk. "Thanks" he said putting his back pack down and holding the camera bag awkwardly.

"Open the case, and I'll show you how to work it" I urged him. He opened the bag and pulled the camera out. "Now the camera already has a SD card in here and the charger for the camera here in the case" I said showing him were both things were located at. I spent the next fifteen minutes explaining the basics about the class and intro assignment.

"I was thinking,and Mrs. Audrey agrees with me, but we should do the intro project together" I offered. "That sounds like a good idea" Peter said as I silently celebrated having an excuse to see him outside of school. "So why are you in Photography three instead of one" I asked Peter taking a pause from my mentorship.

"The guidance counselor put me in this class so I wouldn't be the only Junior in a freshman class, especially since I'm new to this school this year, also that class was already full" Peter said as he ran his hand through his hair, messing it up in the process. Not gonna lie its kinda hot. Shut up Vall, get your head together.

"And who knows maybe if you really like this camera stuff you could join the school news paper which I am Captain of" I said with my charming smile. Peter blushed a little as he returned my contagious smile.

"Mabey, it would be an honor to work for such a skilled photographer" Peter said jokingly making me smirk at his remark. "Well I don't mean to toot my own horn" I said flipping my hair. After we laughed off our conversation I got back to explaining how to use a camera and take care of it. By the time there was five minutes left of class Peter was taking pictures without problem.

I had called my dad during lunch break about getting to mentor Peter in my photography class. I was too excited to wait till I got home. Dad told me good work for already getting close to him. He also said I should entire Peter over sometime to work on school. After I asked my dad said I could invite him over today if need be. So I have the perfect opportunity right now to ask him before class ended.

I've never invited any friends over to my house before, not even a boy, so this was an awkward next step. I mean with being a Stark bringing people home mental having my friends fond over my millionaire dad and the fact they were in Stark Industries or a Malibu Beach house. And I tried to keep my two worlds separate. But Peter has to be apart of both my school and home world since he is the 'amazing Spiderman'.

"Hay Peter, do you have any plans after school today?" I asked casually. "No not really, why" He said looking like he did in fact have plans but didn't want to talk about it. "Well I was wondering if you would like to come over to my house after school to do homework, and start the Intro project" I offered as I packed up my stuff to head home.

"Sure, do you have a ride cause I use public transportation to get to and from school" Peter said. "Yah, I drive my own car, I can drive u over to my place and then home after wards" I said turning to face Peter with my bag on my shoulder just as the bell ringed.

I selebrated a little in my head for being able to casually invite someone over without freaking out loud. And Peter is an attractive guy, not gonna lie, and I feel like we vibe. So I am very proud of my self for successfully talking to a guy without the crutch of being a Stark. But he will know in a few hours who I really am.

"Great, let me just text my Aunt May to tell her I wont be home till later" Peter said pulling out his phone. We started to slowly walk outside of school as he called his aunt. I was in no rush, let the traffic die down of rushing teenagers before we go home. "Love you too aunt May" Peter said finishing his phone call as we came to the front of the school.

"I'm all good, were's your ride" Peter said looking over to me with the most adorable smile I have ever seen. Walking up to my beautiful baby I proudly said "right here." Peter stood there with his mouth wide open in shock as I unlocked the car and got into the drivers side. "This is yours?" Peter asked in Awe as he buckled up into the passengers seat. "Well technically it was my dad's but he gave it to me when I got my licence" I said smiling.

I turned on my playlist as we drove and the song circles by post Malone came on and I Imeadeatly got excited and turned the radio up louder. "I am absolutely obsessed with this song" I said excitedly to Peter. "Me too" He said smiling with me. We sang the song out as loud as we could dancing in our seats, Peter more than me since I was driving.

And that was our drive home. Singing at the top of our lungs. Neither of us were the greatest singers but we had fun. Especially when the song Teeth from 5SOS came on. When I pulled into the garage of Stark Industries the look on Peters face was priceless.

"Holly shit! You're a Stark?!"





Here's a meme just because...

There you are, my weekly update and the second chapter of this book! I'm going to have as much fun with this book as possible

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There you are, my weekly update and the second chapter of this book! I'm going to have as much fun with this book as possible.

I am going to try to make each chapter no less than 1,000 words which isn't too hard to do when my creative juices are flowing and I'm full of ideas.

Thx for reading, and please stick around and go read my other stuff too! And don't forget to Vote to show your love!

Till next time... 💕💕💕

Vallory Stark ✔Where stories live. Discover now