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I was currently dragging a very stubborn Peter into my car. My dad had went ahead to our Malibu beach house to set up a little surprise party for Petter along with the other Avengers. "Come on! I have a surprise" I said dragging him.

"Val I'm not letting you drive that fight was only a few days ago I don't want you to exert yourself." Peter said making me give him a soft expression. "That's sweet, but I am the only one who knows were we are going" I said. "Besides I'm fine" I added on. I finally managed to get Peter into the passenger seat of my car.

I turned on our music and we jammed for the hour car ride to my dads private airplane strip. I grabbed the bags Peter didn't even know I packed. But his aunt may had helped me so she def knew what was going on and was even with my dad and Pepper right now at our malibu home.

Peter had made the decision to tell her he was spiderman shortly after our fight with doc oc and so now she is going to get to see Peter inaugurated into the Avengers. Only Peter doesn't know that. "Okay seriously were are we going" Peter asked extremely confused.

"Don't worry about it, your aunt is on board so she won't be worried so hush and come on" I said in 'explanation'. "So aunt may knows were we are going?" Peter asked incredulously. "Yeah how else did I pack your bag, she helped." I said. Peter just smiled at me before taking one of the bags from me so he could hold my hand as we walked onto the plane.

"Jarvis drive car back to stark tower" I told my watch AI smiling at Peter's in awe expression as my car drove away on it's own back to were we were only an hour ago. I set our plane to fly to my malibu home and went back to sit with Peter. "Wait who's flying" Peter asked looking worried as the plane took off and we were the only two on it.

"Oh just like my car, dad hooked Jarvis up to our private plane so it can drive, or in this case fly, on it's own." I said snuggling into Peter's side as I sat down. Peter made an oh fave before smiling at my antics and put an arm around me to pull me closer. As soon as we landed on the strip behind my house I said "welcome to malibu." Peter took my hand as we carried our bags inside my beach house with an awe struck look on his face.

"I promised you one day I would take you to Stark's malibu home." I said smiling at Peter. He just gave me the most dorkiest smile ever that made me want to kiss him. So I did. Placing a small kiss on his lips I lead him to wear our rooms would be for the weekend before giving him a tour of the house ending in the backyard were our pool and private beach is.

Only set up on the beach was all the Avengers, not in uniform of course, lined up with a party set up around them. "Surprise I said" as Peter look a little confused. "What is all the Avengers doing here?" Peter asked confused. Just then my dad and Steve stepped forward.

"We are here to welcome you officially to the Avengers Spiderman" Steve said giving Peter his full access badge to Avengers headquarters. "Wait really! Thankyou!" Peter said hugging me then Steve. "Oh sorry, Mr. Cap sir. I'm honored" Peter said taking a step back shyly. "It's alright, congratulations, your going to be a great addition" Steve said smiling at Peter.

"Here kid. I got you a present" my dad said handing Peter a case. "Ah, you didn't have to get me anything". Peter said taking the case from my dad. "Just open it" my dad said smiling fondly.

In this case was a new Spiderman suit. "This one has your Edith AI attached for when your in costume and can't ware the glasses and is fully unlocked, no training wheels" my dad said gladly accepting the hug peter tackled him in. "Alright thats sweet but let's get this party started" I heard thor said excitedly before handing out drinks.

The party was in full swing and continued well into four in the morning. Peter and I retired to our room once all the avengers were passed out in the guest rooms. Peter did have his own room but was currently being slept in by Bucky. So I pulled Pete into my room and we cuddled up in my bed once we were in our pajamas.

"I love you val" Peter said making me melt. "I love you more" I said as Peter leaned in to kiss me. Kissing soon lead to other things. "I thought I wasn't supposed to exert myself" I said smugly as our make out session became more passionate. "Then you relax and let me do the work" Peter said shocking me with his dominate comment. I didn't know how to respond so I just nodded and smirked into our kiss.

And thats all folks... yhea sorry I don't do the whole writing smut thing so yall can have fun imaging that. Lol. Authors note next chapter.

Hope to see you in my other books. Lmk if there is a fanfic you would like to see me write.

Till next time my lovely readers... 💕💕💕

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