You're a STARK

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"Holly shit! You're a Stark?!"
Is all Peter said in awe as I pulled into the first garage of Stark Industries.
There's three garages if your wondering. The first one for private stark only use, the second one for the public and employees, and then the third one for Ironman/Ironheart and marvel vehicles.

"Yah, I am. Is there something wrong" I say defensively. I'm already regretting showing him my personal life. But what choice do I have. "No, it's pretty cool actually, I'm a huge fan of Tony Starks work" Peter said with a smile that made me feel warm and smile back. "Yah, Vallory Adina Stark, daughter of the infamous Tony Stark and heir to Stark Industries" I said with an eye roll. "Pretty cool, so you live in Stark Industries?" Peter said as I locked up the car and we entered the elevator.

"Yah we have a flat on the top floor that we live in for the most part but we have a Malibu home that we use during summer and holidays." I explained. "My dad is actually hosting a party their soon to introduce a new addition to our team" I said. Peter nodded while he continued to look all around him as we finished are journey to the flat. I decided to take the long way and gave Peter a small tour of the building.

"Dad I'm home! And I brought a friend" I said as the door closed behind me to our Flat. "Excellent" My dad said coming out of the weaponry and suit room. My dad was wearing a white biusnuiss suit that had the top few buttons undone with black slacks and his hair in a mess. "Hello, Mr. Stark sir, I-I'm Peter, Peter Parker" Peter said turning into a fan girl. "Ah hello, please call me Tony" My dad said shaking his hand and then ruffling his hair.

"Val dear, did you give him a tour?" My dad asked. "Yes I did, a small one" I responded. "We're just going to start our project now" I said to my dad. "Of course go ahead, I was just going to head down to my work room and work on the improvements to the you know what's" My dad said before leaving.

I knew exactly what he was working on, repairing or Iron suits from the last battle. "Alright Peter come this way" I said leading him to my room were I hanged my school bag on my wall before pulling out my camera.
"Jarvis power up computer system" I said to my room as my holographic computer showed up surrounding my bedroom desk.

I looked over to Peter who was still standing at my door bashfully looking around. "Come in then" I told Peter pulling up an extra chair. Peter hesitantly came into my room leaving his bag on the floor by the door. Taking his camera out he sat down on the extra seat I brought over.

"You have a really nice room" Peter complimented. "Thanks" I said looking around the space I worked so hard to make feel cozy.

"So our project is to take pictures of three things each that represents us a a person  which we will put in a slide show with explanations of their importance to present to the whole class" I explained starting our project

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"So our project is to take pictures of three things each that represents us a a person  which we will put in a slide show with explanations of their importance to present to the whole class" I explained starting our project. "Well then let's think of things we could capture in an image" Peter said. "I have some ideas for my self but we need to go out for them" I said.

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