Heart to Heart on the Bridge

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Snippet from an unfinished part of the story. Not sure if I'll finish it, but here's what I have so far.  

[Scene: You and Alfonse have spent the day on a date in the modern world. Both of you had a great time, but Alfonse keeps acting a little off. Now the two of you are walking back and you decide to ask him about it.]


You slow your pace and step in front of your friend. "Alfonse, what's wrong? It's like something has been on your mind all evening." Your concerned expression reaches him. He looks down at the ground, then towards the setting sun on the horizon.

"I'm just thinking," the prince rests with his arms on the railing of the bridge. The slow sunset shines on him and you find yourself once again captivated by his appearance. His expression is somber and you can tell his thoughts are consuming him. He continues, "The closer two people are, the more painful a parting is for both of them." He tilts his head to look at you, a weak smile sits on his face. "We knew this would be the case for us as well, yet we've still become so close." Your heart tweaks in pain for your friend, you know how hard this is for him to feel. You step forward and hold onto one of his hands hanging off the edge.

"It's especially hard for you, you've had to deal with the pain of parting with many people you care about. You have a tender heart, yet you force yourself to be strong for the sake of your people."

Alfonse stands up straight, keeping your hand in his, and kisses you gently on the cheek. "You know me so well," he weakly chuckles. He's staring at the ground again. You patiently look up at him as he takes a couple of deep breaths. When he's ready his eyes meet yours with determination. "I've loved coming here to your world, and I've loved seeing you light up from being home again. I know this place means a lot to you and I don't want to take that happiness away." Alfonse takes your other hand and grips them both. "I love you. I love you enough to accept the pain of losing you. If you decide you want to leave us, to stay here in your homeworld, I'll be okay. I can't leave my people, I owe it to them to be a good king and lead them, but I still want you to choose whatever future is best for you."

The courage in his eyes is astonishing. You know he's hurting, but he's grown so much from when you first met. You can't help but cup his cheeks and kiss his lips. "Thank you."

You step away for a moment. Now it was your turn to lean against the side of the bridge in thought. Alfonse watches from the side as you contemplate your choice. You don't spend as long thinking as him, maybe because you already know in your heart. "I do love my homeworld, I'm glad I got to visit with you guys and see the place again." You look back at your friend with a genuine smile. "But I love the world of Zenith too. I love being The Summoner and being able to help so many different realms. I love the people, I love the magic," turning completely towards him "and I love you." His eyes widen slightly as he hears your words. "I think I want to stay with you, in Askr."

Suddenly he embraces you, pressing your body tightly against his chest. His head is buried in the nook of your neck and you feel his heart beating with joy. "Thank you, thank you!" He cries with relief. You hug him back reassuringly as if to tell him you're not going anywhere. "The thought that I don't have to lose you too, I feel like the luckiest man alive!"

"There there," you chuckle. "No need to cry." He leans back and wipes his eyes.

"I'm not crying, my eyes are just a little wet." His smile is as bright as the warm sun.

"I'm glad I'm not gonna lose you too." You reflect his expression. "Do you think I'll still be able to come back and visit here again?"

"Of course! I'll open as many portals as you need, we can come back whenever you want!"

"Haha, that sounds wonderful." You swing your hand in his, walking happily down the sidewalk together. 

My Prince with Golden Wings [Alfonse x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now