Talk over Tea

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Y/n = Your name

P!hero = (A pegasus knight hero of your choice)


"Hahahaaa!" I cheer as the pegasus I'm riding touches back down into the courtyard. The landing shakes my body a little but P!hero sitting behind me steadies me. When the majestic creature steadies itself I carefully slide off, feeling a little strange with being on the ground again.

"That was amazing!" I jump a little still reeling from the excitement of flying for the first time. P!hero laughs happily at my reaction.

"I'm glad you had such a great time, you did great by the way." They stroke their pegasus's mane. "I wouldn't be surprised if you one day learned how to fly by yourself!"

"That would be a dream come true," I give P!hero a little hug. "Thank you so much for taking me!"

"Of course! It was my pleasure."

I spin around and walk happily through the main hall. My mind is still in the clouds and I don't pay much attention to what's around me.


"Aah!" The voice startles me but I recognize it. Turning around I'm faced with Alfonse. The sight of his face makes me feel warm, he smiles when I respond.

"Yes? What do you need?"

He scratches the back of his head and lifts the side of his mouth. "How 'bout you and I have a little chat? I'll be having a cup of tea if you would like one as well."

"Sounds good!" I rejoice internally at the chance to speak with him by ourselves. He usually doesn't hang out in the main hall with all the other heroes, so I haven't talked to him as much recently. I walk with him outside to a courtyard table with a tea tray recently placed on top. He pulls out my seat for me and I sit down gently. The gentleman then takes his own seat and pours out two cups for us. I hold mine and feel the heat warms my hands. He takes his by the handle and drinks a small sip.

"You get along so well with the other heroes." Alfonse comments.

"I guess, I'm just so grateful to all of them," I respond. "It's because of their strength we have fared this well in the war. It's a sacrifice for them, being away from their homes and fighting for a foreign kingdom, yet they are all so willing to help." I smile sadly at the ground. "Back home in my world, sometimes it can be hard to bring people together. I guess I'm not used to being surrounded by so many kind hearts."

"I'm sure you play a bigger part in all this than you realize." Alfonse smiles. "Your friendship with all of them gives them strength. You boost morale for the entire army just by being here."

"Thank you, that means a lot." My heart feels lighter listening to the prince.

"Do you consider getting to know any of the others better?" I ask.

"I find it best not to get too attached these days," he responds dully. "Especially to heroes."

"Oh, I see." I slowly stir my tea. Alfonse's attitude makes me feel a little gloomy. I hope he doesn't feel down himself from thinking that way. After another sip a poking thought bothers my mind and I speak again.

"What about me?" I hesitantly ask.

Alfonse abruptly looks up at me. His eyes reflect his vulnerability and his lips part slightly without making a sound. Not being able to respond, he sets his cup back on the table and slowly stands.

"I don't know what to think when it comes to you." He admits, looking to the side. His hair blocks me from seeing his expression. "I have to remind myself you're a hero too, the Great Hero. One day you'll go home as well."

I rise from my seat as well, regretting asking my question. "Even if that's true, I love being friends with all of you." I let the words fall. "I appreciate us all being friends! You, Sharena, Anna, and everyone else, it gives me the courage to keep fighting."

The prince sadly looks back at me, faking a small smile. "I'm glad we are able to help you." He gives a slight bow and turns to take his leave. "Thank you for the conversation, Y/n."

"Yes, thank you too." I quietly respond. I watch him walk away, a tweak pains my chest. I wish he would open up to everyone more; open up to me more. I can't help but kinda wish I really was from this world, then maybe it wouldn't feel like there was such an emotional barrier between us.

My Prince with Golden Wings [Alfonse x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now