Eye of the dragon

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" yo I'm sorry coon that bitch shot teddy man he tried to keep her out my nigga dead b"

" yo I'm sorry coon that bitch shot teddy man he tried to keep her out my nigga dead b"

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"Shut the fuck up talking to my wife like that Yolanda what you doing here man"

Well if you answered my bloodclut call dem you woulda know sei dem teef mi Pinckney

"What the hell you talking about"

Someone kidnapped cayla What the hell are you guys doing no one is eating shit until my baby girl is found. Idk who or what foolishness your into but if my daughter ain't found by tonight I'm killing everyone of your families one by fucking one Cornelius where's my baby they shot and killed the only family I had left my baby sister she gone over this just bring my baby home please.

 Idk who or what foolishness your into but if my daughter ain't found by tonight I'm killing everyone of your families one by fucking one Cornelius where's my baby they shot and killed the only family I had left my baby sister she gone over this j...

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Welcome gentlemen thank you for meeting me if you don't know my name is tenaye bates I'm sure most of you have heard about me and if you haven't the pleasure is all mine

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Welcome gentlemen thank you for meeting me if you don't know my name is tenaye bates I'm sure most of you have heard about me and if you haven't the pleasure is all mine.

"It's you mrsz unknown"

It is I wanna say thank you redz or should I say Ramone for putting me on the map if it wasn't for your organization I would probably be dead but I'm sure your wondering how I've got your drugs.

" we all fucking know bitch you tried to off my nigga"

A stranger said as tenaye smiled she knew all about murks amazing recovery but she knew by the end of the night he would be another loose end that would end up dead that's where your wrong he's in this position because he couldn't keep his dick to himself man constantly laid hands on me trying to rape me so he got what he deserved on top of that he's better off dead did you know he had his own business on the side of yours

My so called step father was giving information to the opps and taking money out of your business and replacing it with counterfeit bet chu ain't know but someone in this room did the sad part is you trusted him

" yo red you really gonna listen to this bitch right now kill her "

"Silence" red said a smile spread on my face would you like to know who's the mole in your group I find it hilarious that it took someone y'all was trying to kill to tell you what y'all should have known from time but before we start I have a surprise for you your gonna love this BRING THEM IN

"Silence" red said a smile spread on my face would you like to know who's the mole in your group I find it hilarious that it took someone y'all was trying to kill to tell you what y'all should have known from time but before we start I have a surp...

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"Yo the fuck is this londa baby you good why the hell they tied up and shit "

Don't fucking move this is where the fun shall begin right y'all ain't that lil girl the cutest yo yolonda tell your man who your married too this shit is amazing

" baby I'm so sorry p please you have to understand"

Open your fucking mouth and tell him before shoot off your head

" coon"

" you can't be serious right now naw be reds said "

Hmm well there's more that little girl she said she lost her name is cayla and too keep her husband happy he's been playing daddy ain't that sum but that's your ride or die

" how the fuck you know all this tenaye"

We're getting there but the confessional ain't done yet you wanna hear more well ima tell you your brother jaylen over there is a opp who also knew all about murks see your boy there black mailed murks so what would you like to do I have such an amazing plan how about we kill them

" naw how about I kill you" red said as the room became quiet"

" naw how about I kill you" red said as the room became quiet"

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You wouldn't wanna do that

"And why not"

Were pregnant 🤰

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