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Sorry for being late guys (I feel like I say that all the time 😭😭) I decided to change the picture, that was a fanart of Twice Chaeyoung but damn I sick of YG y'all I need a comeback so bad and where in the world is Rosé's solo ? We shall never know.

So this is where the story REALLY begin and the REAL dramas are coming, I am just putting some obvious hints on this chapter,

So please Enjoy💜


Have you ever asked yourself if your soulmate existed ? That whatever could happened and this person will always end up with you ?

Why am I even doing this right now ? I am driving and smoking at the same time, going to the nearest bar. I don't even know what is happening to me, I am tired of him, tired of her and so tired of me and my fucking feelings for him. Now the car is not moving because the trafic sucks exactly like my fucking one sidded love.

"Fuck." I was still smoking and angrily claxoning when a police officer came to me.

"Ma'am you're disturbing others, it is not allowed to claxon in a city."

"I am fucking exhausted, leave me alone" I took a last sip of my cigarette and dropped it on his feet.

"Ok that's enough, park you on the side and get out of the car"
I just hate it when I can't just shut my mouth and be docile sometimes, I wish Jimin was there to control me but I needed some time alone...

I parked the car and got out, he came to face me, he is pretty handsome, not gonna lie though, I smirked at him.

"So what are we doing now sir ?" I asked innocently.

He faked a laugh.

"Control of identity first, and then we will see ma'am" he winked at me.

Control of identity when I don't even know who I am, what kind of bullshit is this huh ?

After a couple of minutes he let me go, I am just tired and all I want is alcohol, I don't care what kind of alcohol but I wanna get so drunk so I can forget evrything and just pass out.

I finally arrived at the bar, it's a Friday night so of course it is crouded. I decided to have a sit at the bar without minding the couple in my right and the drunk ass man at my left.

"I want the strongest alcohol please" I said to the barman.

"I sjbdjdn voice" said the drunk man, I couldn't understand what he said but I know this voice way too well.

"Why the fuck are you here." I didn't even mind looking at him, I already know this bitch.

"Lisaaaaa I knew it was your voice !" he laughed, I turned my head towards him, he is clearly drunk.

"You're totally drunk, are you alone ?" I rolled my eyes then asked.

He smiled and nodded. I know I shouldn't care for him, he plays with my feelings all the time, use me and then tells me he wants another woman, but I can't stop caring about him. I sighed.

"Come with me." I putted my coat back and took my car keys.

"Noooooo I want to drink soooooo much that I will pass out" he laughed like an idiot.

"Jungkook, you drank enough, I am sure you will pass out on the way home, come with me now or I'll call Jin and it's gonna be the end of you."

"ok ok, you got me hahahaha" he laughed while putting his hands in the air.

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