Chapter 31: Okay, I guess..

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(Hhh- May you better appreciate this-)

Isaiah's Pov:

I quietly listened to Xan talk as he told me why he wanted to do something like this.. 

I frowned and nodded. 

Xan sighed and met my gaze. "I'm sorry..I didn't know how to tell you before, but I'm gonna accept her offer..And- Maybe she can let you stay with me-" he started

I huffed and looked away. "I doubt it. She already told me that she doesn't trust me, so.." I muttered and he shook his head. 

"She's a leader of an army, hurt someone she cared about, of course it's gonna take some time for her to warm up to you.." he said softly and moved to take my hand. 

I quietly pulled away and nodded, curling up. "I almost killed him..again.." I sighed. 

Xan frowned more. "You couldn't stop it-" he started. 

"No Xan- I could stop him!" I cried and stood, trembling. "But I-I didn't- I-I don't know why-" I whispered.

I hugged myself and trembled, wiping away tears that threatened to fall. 

I heard him sigh and gently wrap his arms around my waist to pull me down onto the bed. 

I relaxed immediately into his warmth and closed my eyes, leaning against him softly. 

Xan smiled slightly and relaxed. "Maybe we can find a way to get rid of him..then we can live happily together.." he said softly and rubbed my cheek with his thumb. 

I nodded and softly curled up against him, careful of his wounds as he just Held me to his chest. 

He smiled more as i relaxed completely, softly clinging to him. 

"Get some look exhausted.." He whispered softly and stroked my hair gently. 

I sleepily nodded again and closed my eyes again. 

I felt myself drift off to sleep, hoping I wouldn't have any bad dreams..

May's Pov:

I huffed softly as I walked to Xan's room in the medical wing, my boots clicking softly against the hard floor as I walked.

I gave a small nod to Clo, who softly greeted me. 

"Xan, awake..but I just have him some more pain meds, so he should be asleep soon, Grey.." she said softly. 

I nodded again. "Good..if he agrees to stay, then he'll need as much rest and time to heal as he can.." 

Clo nodded again as she watched me slip into Xan's room. 

He was in a light doze, but he woke slightly when I shut the door, letting him know that it was only me.

Xan smiled slightly. "I w-was wondering when you'd come to visit again.." he yawned and stroked a fluff of black, curly hair that was poking out from under the blankets.

I can't believe I hadn't noticed Elijah's twin brother sleeping, I would've been quieter. But since he didn't seem to stir, I continued with what I was going to do.

I heard a soft snore come from the little form under the covers. Xan glanced down at the other male and smiled slightly, relaxing.

"So, Xan.." I started softly so I wouldn't wake Isaiah as Xan looked up at me. 

"I was wondering if you'd like to join the grey army, as a medic.." I said softly. "You seem to take an interest in it and Clo tells me how you ask so many questions when she changes your bandages.." 

he brightened and grinned softly, excitement bright in his gaze. "Of course! I'd love to!" 

I smiled slightly, nodding

", get some rest.." I said softly and turned to walk out.

I turned at the last minute, my hand on the handle of the door. "Oh, and-" 

"Welcome to the Grey army.." 

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