Part One♡

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"GO TO YOUR ROOM YOU WORTHLESS FUCK! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!!" Lyric ran to her room in hopes of getting away from him. "Him" meaning her father. He was never really nice to her, but after her mom died, he went crazy. Starting to beat her, and call her names. Lyric, believe it or not, was more hurt by the name calling. She wasn't popular at school, she was the outcast and got picked on all the time. She didn't know what was worse, school, or home. She mostly tried to get away to her best friend, Katelyn's, house. Kate Lives alone.

Her mother and father bailed on her, so Lyric feels most comfortable with her. She feels like they both share the same sort of neglect. That, and the love of one thing that keeps them both alive. Music. Lyric would've killed herself years ago if it weren't for Of Mice & Men, Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce The Veil, & Bring Me The Horizon. She just wishes and hopes and DREAMS of that one day, that one day she'll meet her heroes.

Anyway, Lyric runs up to her room. She was fond of her room actually, it was pretty much the only place she felt "safe". Now, she knew she'd never be safe from dad, but that didn't matter right now. He was in his third bottle of vodka for the night, already did his daily beating, and sent her to her room. He was probably passed out somewhere or something. Lyric pulls out her IPod, puts in her earbuds and falls asleep to the sweet melodies in the song, "When You Can't Sleep At Night."

Part One♡



Lyric smiles at her, very well set, alarm, then sighs at the thought of going to school and drags herself out of bed. She picks out the outfit of the day. Black Skinny jeans, white ADTR tank, with matching white vans. And of course, bracelets.

About 30 minutes later, Lyric is showered, dressed, and she already put on her makeup. Good timing. She grabs her book bag, and silently makes her way down stairs, being VERY careful not to wake up dad. Going through the kitchen, (She's skipped breakfast for about 3 years now) Living Room and out the door. She takes a moment to appreciate the very nice day. She lives in Florida, so most days ARE nice days, but Lyric was always one to treasure the little things in life. She really had nothing but the little things. Walking down her street, crossing it, making a turn and walking some more, she arrives at Katelynn's house. She was about to turn the knob when Kate opens the door.

Lyric's P.O.V

She scared the day lights out of me. I was just about to open the door when she does looking more startled than I was. She did a half scream and then pulled me in and slammed the door. "Kate what's the matter with you? You look like you just saw a ghost, you're so pale. Here, sit down." I try to pull her into the little cheap couch she had in the tiny living room, but she yanks out of my grasp and stands right up again, and starts pacing. "I don't know what to do Lyric, I don't know what to do!" She starts crying. Me, now really concerned and worried, stands up off the couch and walks over to my shaking, crying friend. "Kate, tell me what happened." She tries to calm down and then hands me her phone. She goes and sits down on her couch while I start to read the messages.

Unknown Number: Hope you live in the same house honey... I'm coming for you.

Kate: Um, Who is this?

Unknown Number: You know exactly who this is. You better watch your back, Mommy's coming.

That last part made my heart drop and my own face go pale. I threw the phone on the ground, not caring if I broke it and honestly, I don't think Kate cared at this point either. "What the fuck are you going to do?" Now I start crying. I was so scared for her, and there was nothing I could say or do to make the situation better.

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