Part Ten♡

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They told me we were just going straight to Cali, because today was supposed to be their last day here and their motel was shit.

Okay then.

We boarded the plane, and all I could think about was Kellin. Would he be mad about all of this? Them taking me across the country?


"Okay, fasten your seat belts and relax. It'll be a long ride."

I put in my earbuds and laid my head back. I can't believe this is really happening. I'm going to be living with Of Mice & Men. I can't believe how far this has come. How far I've come.

I fall asleep, ironically, to Diamonds Aren't Forever.

Austin's P.O.V

Alan and Lyric look so cute when they sleep.

Okay, Austin, that was creepy.

I take a picture of them and post it on Instagram. Heh. I'm a fantastic person. I tag Alan, but I don't know Lyric's username. So in the caption I put, "Back to Cali with these two sleepy heads. Can't wait to be back home :) Alan and Lyric are gonna kill me >:D ❤ you guys."

I love them both a lot. But it's wrong, I mean, Alan is okay, obviously, i can love him if i want, duh, but Lyric? She's only what? 17? That's a nine year difference. Jeez. I can't love her. I guess I'll just have to be that one person. That one friend. That one Best friend. That she can always count on. I hope I can be that for her.

I really really do.


When we finally get back to California, and land, I'm pretty much running out of the plane to get Lyric to come back to the bus and meet the guys.

She's laughing as I'm pulling her by her wrist, the good one, through the crowd, Alan trudging behind trying to keep up.

He got stuck carrying all of our bags.

"COME AND CATCH ME BITCH," I yelled at Alan, not caring everyone was staring at me. "COME ON SLOW POKE, LAST ONE OUT IS AN ALAN ASHBY!" Lyric yelled that, an I had to laugh. God I love her. This is the best thing Kellin has ever made me do. I silently thank him.

"GUYS," Alan started, "GUYS, I JUST, HEY, I, OH NO, I, GUYS," He's breathing really hard, and I almost felt bad for him. Then I hear a loud bang and a scream and stop running.

Lyric stopped laughing and running too, and looked back immediately. And there he was, The Ginger Princess, laying on top on some of our luggage and some on top of him. We both ran back because we thought we heard him crying.

Needless to say, he wasn't.

He was laughing.

"What are we going to do with you Ashby?" I said, laughing and helping him up.

"Hey, need help?" Lyric said. She picked up her book bag and winked at me.

I melted. And blushed. We made Eye contact, for I'd say a solid five seconds and caught myself, returning my attention to Alan. He smiled at us and picked up his bag, and I picked up mine.

This time, we all ran. Together. It was pretty awesome.

We got to the car we left parked in the airport parking lot, and I took everyone's bag, threw them in the trunk, and went to the window. "Hey, I really have to pee. Ill be out in a few.' Alan nodded and said for me to have fun. Alright. That I shall do.

Alan's P.O.V

We got in the car and Austin came up by the car window saying he had to pee. I told him okay and to have fun. I always tell him that, I think it's funny.

"Austin's taking a piss, he'll be out in a minute," I said to Lyric.

"mmkay." She said, quietly.

"Anything wrong?" I look into the rear view mirror to see her face, since she's in the back. She looked me in the eyes, shrugged, and played with her thumbs. Looked out the window. Looked at me again.

I patted the front seat and motioned her to come up. She nodded and climbed up.

When she was, I saw her arm.. I don't know how I could've missed it on the plane. I feel so bad, I know what that feels like.. "Everyone was staring at them, Alan.."

I pursed my lips and nodded.

"I know, Lyric. I saw. You know, before I fell." She let out a chuckle, but I can tell it was forced. "I wanted to punch them in the face. They shouldn't have done that." I locked eyes with her and she looked down. She started going over her cuts and scars gently with her thumb. A saw a tear run down her cheek onto one of her cuts. She started really crying, then.

"Oh, boo it's okay. It'll be okay."

I tried to hug her but I couldn't quite reach her over the thingy in between our seats. She hugged me and her crying became distant. "I'm sorry," she said, wiping her tears. "I uh, don't usually cry in front of people." Her voice was hoarse.

"No, Lyric, it's okay. You can cry in front of me.. You can talk about anything with me. I know what it's like to be in your position.. I know what it's like. It'll get better, okay?"

She breaks the hug and looks at me. "I know, I really do trust you.. But, um, are-are you okay Alan?" She's starting to tear up again. "Oh, yes please don't cry, honestly I'm fine.. going into the hospital was hard for me though.."

She frowns. "Why? And, you, you actually went in, and tried to see me?" She asked.

"I've been wanting to see you this whole time. I've been trying so hard, and I thought I could actually do it today.. but I failed." I looked down. "I want to tell you, but we can't do it now."

"Alan, when ever you're ready, okay? Ill always be here for you.."

That made me feel so much better. I met her eyes. Her eyes are beautiful. We both started to lean in, my heart started to race and I thought we were going to kiss, her lips were right there-


We both jolted up and saw Austin was banging on the window. He looked mad. Oh no. I scrambled to unlock the doors, finally they opened and he it in the back.

"Alan," he said firmly. Oh no, what was he going to say?

"Y-yes?" I said, trying not to sound scared.

He looked in the rearview mirror, right in my eyes, and said, "I had fun."

We all smiled and I started the car to drive us back to the bus. I can't wait for them to meet this amazing human being sitting beside me.

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