Chapter 1

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Classic music. Cool wind. Black evening dress paired with high-heeled stilettos. Red lipstick on. Gold chain around my neck. Silver earrings. Good hair day. Wide selection of meals. Delicious food. Drinking world class wine on a balcony of a world class hotel with a Hollywood looking guy in front of me. Tell me what more can a girl ask for?

He takes a step towards me and finally closes the distance between us. I give out a small gasp and he chuckles at my reaction. I bite my lower lip. Gosh. This is so embarrassing. Desperate to hide my blush, I look at the ground and I hope the night is dark enough for him not see my face turning pink. He slowly lifts his hand to cup my cheek and makes me look at him. The smile on his face is so wide and contagious I can't help but smile back. Not releasing his hand on my cheek, he starts moving his head closer to mine. With our foreheads pressed together, he rests his other hand on my lower back and I bite my tongue to stop myself from screaming how beautiful this man standing in front of me is. My heart is beating so fast I wouldn't be surprised if it'll explode any minute now. Our lips just inches away we're practically breathing the same air. Using the hand he placed on my lower back he gently pulls me closer to him. Trying hard not to have a heart attack or collapse in front of him, I wrap my arms around his waist for support and I let him brush our noses together. I think I heard him say something but I didn't catch it because I'm lost in his touch. I could sleep in his arms if I wanted to but not right now because even with my eyes closed I could feel him bringing our lips together. This is it, I guess. We're going to kiss! His lips getting closer to mine I could feel his breath. Closer and closer. Just an inch left and I'll get a taste of his...

Great. Seriously? Are you kidding me? Just when I'm about to kiss the man in my dream a flying pillow decides to wake me up! So close. Just a second away to kissing that guy. That prince looking guy. What was his name again? Aaron? Will? Chase? I try to remember his name but like most dreams, the dream starts to fade away in my head. So just like any other person would do, I close my eyes, concentrate and try to bring the dream back while I'm still half asleep. Yes, most people do this. I guess.

Most of the time, or rather, every time, the dream will not continue. Either just wake up or dream another dream. But on those ultra-mega super rare occasions, the dream continues. Yes, that's how rare they are I used lots of adjectives that it's probably or is redundant. I mentally cross my fingers. Let this be one of those ultra-mega super rare occasions because it's not every day I get to dream about a handsome guy wanting to kiss me.

My dreams are mostly black. Whenever I have dreams, I forget them the instant I wake up and the dreams my mind lets me remember are the normal dreams and dreams I don't want to remember. Like me buying an ice cream, going to school but it's a Saturday, fighting with someone I don't even know, naked in public, people dying and the dreams I'm not in or I'm a different person and the dreams I don't get why the heck I'm partnered with boys I despise back in middle school. So that's why I really want to continue this dream.

I forget all the things around me and focus.


Nothing. I wait for another ten seconds.

No handsome guy.

Any time now.

Still nothing. Just blackness.

Darn, I give up. Time to move on, wake up, get up and throw the pillow hard back to its owner.

"One day when you're really tired and in a deep sleep and probably in the middle of dreaming about your boyfriend proposing to you, don't blame me if a flying bed lands on your pretty face and body and wakes you up."

Stacey ducks and avoids the pillow, making her brown wavy hair swing. "Good morning to you too, my dear sister. And just to be clear I have no boyfriend and I'm way too young to be engaged!"

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