13th Entry

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Junmyeon was so confused of his own behavior. Why in the world did he say something like that to his brother? It was so embarrassing and cliche! He internally groaned at the mention of that past scenario.

True. He'd never considered his father as his family. Why? That was a story for another time. Because now, he had a bigger problem ahead and that was the turning vampire in his own apartment. And for some odd reason, he felt responsible for the safety of the boy. It was actually funny how his mind worked time to time. Because one time, he wanted to protect him, and the next moment, he was the one who was dragging the boy to the danger himself.


Sehun was utterly taken aback by Kris' sudden change of behavior. He was polite and friendly when he first met him. But today, something was indeed not right. Sehun could feel the annoyance in those dark brown irises of his and that made him confused and also terrified. He didn't know what exactly was the cause of his change but he felt bad thinking whether it's got something to do with his own stupid self.

But the more he thought about it, the more he came to realize that Junmyeon also had that exact same personality. One moment, Junmyeon was really sweet. But the next second, he was completely the opposite. The mood swings of them were really over Sehun's head that the boy could not understand either of them in the first place. Maybe the whole family was weird. Sehun nodded his head to his own thoughts.

"Sorry, my brother can be very strict sometimes."

Junmyeon's voice cut through Sehun's deep trance of thoughts, snapping him back to reality.

"I- I'm sorry but what did you say?" Sehun muttered embarrassingly. Which to Junmyeon let out a low chuckle, leaving Sehun with a utterly confused and crazily beating heart. Sehun wasn't sure he had ever heard Junmyeon laugh before. Or had he already?

Because Sehun felt something deep inside of his stomach flipped after hearing Junmyeon's laugh. He stared at Junmyeon's face. The beat of his own heart quickening even without the acknowledge of his own mind.

Junmyeon was still that ghostly white man he saw when he first met him. He was still the same guy Sehun found, extremely intimidating. But despite all of that, Sehun still found himself drawing into Junmyeon like a moth drawn into flame. The more time passed, the more it became hard to leave Junmyeon out of his mind. Junmyeon had invaded his mind and before he even knew, Junmyeon was all he ever thought of. Because before he even knew, he was falling. Falling hard for the guy who just happened to move into the apartment next to his own. But, he just didn't know that, yet.

A light tap on Sehun's bare shoulder snapped him back to reality once again, making him jump.

"You're spacing out. What's bothering you?" Junmyeon's dark eyes bore right into Sehun's dark brown ones. Junmyeon was back to his caring self. Once again, confusing the younger to a great extent.

"Sorry..." Sehun mumbled before shaking his head to clear the unwanted thoughts from swirling around his over working brain.

"Is Kris okay? Why was he looking mad? Did I do something wrong?" Sehun asked again when he finally broke out of his trance.

"Ah... Is that why you look troubled?" Junmyeon chuckled, looking at those innocent eyes that were directed his way. Junmyeon wondered after all the things he had done to this boy, how he could still see the innocence he saw in Sehun just like the first time. "Yes he is okay. And no. He's not mad at you."

"But... what if he is?" Sehun asked again, voice lowering until it was barely above a whisper when the last word came out of his mouth. He eyes suddenly searching for such fascinating things in Junmyeon's dark and almost empty apartment room.

"If he is, it's definitely not because of you." Junmyeon shrugged, a wide smile spreading on his face as he watched the averting gaze. "Ah~ And yes. He's allergic to the sunlight. Actually it's running in the family. Neither of us can stand in bright sunlight." Sugarcoated lies flowed out of his mouth like a beautiful melody, not a hint of regret or guilt in them as he, oh so effortlessly, said that to the younger.

Sehun whipped his head at Junmyeon's direction, his eyes almost like two saucers which Junmyeon oddly found, cute.

"Oh... That explains why you're so pale. I've actually thought you somehow related to the Dracula. Not that the stories were real anyway." Sehun giggled like a school girl, his shoulders heaving from the force.

Junmyeon stared at him wide eyed, because despite what Sehun actually said, the giggle he let out in the end, caught Junmyeon's undivided attention. Because he honestly thought that he had never heard such a beautiful thing in his whole life. He could listen to that sound for the rest of his life without getting tired of it.

A phone rang in the background, making the duo's heads snap to the direction of the wall that separated two rooms.

"Oh, that's my phone." Sehun turned to face Junmyeon, a confused look on his face.

"Wow... The walls are paper thin huh? I knew it was thin but I've never noticed it was that thin. Because I could never hear a thing when you moved he-" He instantly drew his hand to his mouth, muttering something incoherent. "I- I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I mean I-"

"It's okay." Junmyeon cut him mid-sentence, a slight frown masking his usual expressionless features. "You should take it." He told to the younger, face breaking into a tiny smile before the younger could detect his earlier frown.

"Okay..." Sehun practically sprinted and in a blink of an eye, he was out of the door.

Junmyeon had almost forgotten that his blood was still running in younger's blood system. So he had already grasped some special abilities such as sharp hearing and the keen vision. But what made Junmyeon most uncomfortable was Sehun's new biggest interest. Which was the thirst for the human blood. Sehun was completely oblivious to this whole situation, but if he was to encounter a bleeding human being, his thirst would come into the surface. It wouldn't be good and Junmyeon couldn't let that happen. No matter what. Because if Sehun got to drink human blood before Junmyeon's vampire blood wore off of his system, he would turn into a vampire himself. And there was no turning back.

So if he ever let that happen, Sehun would never forgive him. In fact, Sehun would hate him to guts and would never even look at him. Junmyeon gulped thickly. Because the mere thought of the younger hating him made his stomach turning into tight knots and a bitter taste to flow into his mouth.


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