14th Entry

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"Baekhyun, are you ready yet?" Chanyeol's voice boomed through their shared apartment, a big frown on his face as he bore his eyes down at his phone screen.

"Did you tell Sehun?" Baekhyun asked his boyfriend, scurrying down the stairs frantically and almost missing a step and landing flat on the floor if it wasn't for the strong arm that wrapped around his waist, pulling him up.

"Be careful, I don't want you in ICU on our anniversary!" Chanyeol panicked, despite of being the clumsy one in their relationship, he really didn't want his boyfriend of four years to end up in deathbed on their fucking anniversary night. No matter how loud and annoying the short one was, he still loved him dearly.

"And i'm trying to call him. He's not answering his phone." He grunted, shifting his gaze to glare at the phone once again.

"If that fucker didn't show up tonight, I swear on my grave Chanyeol I will have his thick head!" Baekhyun yelled even though Chanyeol was just merely a foot apart from him.

"God you are too loud! I don't want to be deaf on my anniversary day either!" Chanyeol grunted even though he knew that the midget would have zero effect on the others blunt remarks.

Sehun sprinted into his apartment, grabbing the phone and briefly checking the caller ID before sliding the answer button at the last second before it went to voice mail.

"Hey Chanyeol..."

"Oh thank god! I've been trying to reach you since last night. Where have you been?"

"Ah sorry... I'm at home now. Why?" He smoothly avoided the unwanted question. He didn't want his bestfriend to know about spending the night away at someone else's. Not to mention that someone was literally a guy who he met no more than a week ago. Sehun wasn't ready for that awaiting mile long lecture if he told him that. Not yet. But it seemed like Chanyeol's mind was already in midlife crisis that it seemed like he wasn't even listening in the first place. Much to Sehun's sake. Of course.

"You coming?"

To that, Sehun briefly raked his still starting to function brain and came up with a foggy answer that was something like in between 'Yeah and No'. But the most important one was, 'Where?'. So he just asked that.


To that, he received a series of swearing and cussing on the other end but at last, Chanyeol grew tired and said what it was about.

"I thought it's tomorrow?"

"No you dumb fuck! It's today. So be there on time."

"Ya! Be there on time. Be late and i'll have your head!" Sehun heard Baekhyun yell over the phone before it harshly disconnected.

"Shit!" Sehun wiped his face in order to clear his mind and looked at the clock. He had still time to go the front desk. But then he remembered that he had asked for a leave today since it was his bestfriends anniversary party. Sighing in relief, he looked downward.


He was only wearing a pair of boxers that were too tight in size and above of them all, they weren't even his.


He cussed for the nth time and wondered what the hell had happened last night. But he remembered nothing except for that weird ass dream of Junmyeon sucking his blood. And of course, some other things as well.

He could still picture that vividly in his mind like damn! It felt so real. That also made him blush furiously but soon, that familiar yet so foreign sting made him bolted to his sink, poking his head in and craning his neck in every direction possible to get a whole 360 degree view of his, oh so perfect neck. Yet, he saw nothing. He could still feel the sting on his neck but there was nothing. Well, what was he even expecting? It was not like the dream was not a dream.

Shaking his head to shake out those weird thoughts, Sehun once again took a good look over his body. Yep, he was well and fine. Not a scratch on his body that he could point out out of ordinary.

Junmyeon confused him to a great extent. His mysterious persona was hard to comprehend by his simple mind. Yet he found himself finding warmth in this stranger he practically knew nothing about. He wanted to know him better. He didn't like the title he had to give whenever he thought about Junmyeon. He was a stranger but yet, he refused to call him that way. But what made him bewildered the most, was the fact that he didn't like the idea of him calling Junmyeon his friend.

What was he to him? Exactly?

Without thinking too much, he made it to the living room and grabbed his phone, dialing the number that was on the top of the call log.

Three rings and he almost gave up his courage. But before he could change his decision, Chanyeol answered the phone.

"Don't fucking tell me you can't come! Or I swear to god Oh Sehun I-"

"Can I bring someone else with me?" Cutting off the exaggerating Chanyeol in mid sentence, Sehun butted in.

"Uh huh? Who?"

"Just someone I met. I introduce him to you at the party." Biting into his nails, Sehun waited. Waited for that mile long lecture he was sure he would be receiving at any second.

"Yeah sure. Be there on time for all I care." But to his utter surprise, Chanyeol said and once again, abruptly disconnected the call. Surprised to say that Sehun was kind of disappointed. Because from the deepest of his mind, he somehow wanted to tell Chanyeol about Junmyeon.

Shaking his head, Sehun once again sprinted out of his apartment to get to Junmyeon's. Surprisingly, the front door was ajar. Just the way it was when he bolted out of it to get that call. Without thinking much of it, Sehun poked his head through the door and went inside of his neighbor's apartment.

"Hey Junmyeon, would you like to- Oh Shit!"

The sight that greeted him inside that very apartment, made his breath hitch in his throat and his stomach to churn in ways that he couldn't even believe was possible.


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