You Didn't Mean To Say, "i love you"

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I looked around. I stared at her. "What?"

"Oh- I'm sorr-" Billie said as I took ahold of her hand and kissed her lips. I felt her lips bend into a smile then kiss me back. I backed up.

"Wait-" I said apprehensively. She gave me a lighthearted smile. She nodded then got up. I looked around but the darkness surrounded her and I stayed on the couch motionless.

I began to overthink when I saw her come back with a blanket. I gave her a confused look. She sat down on the couch and picked up my hand.

"If I allow you to touch me. You're allowed to touch me." Billie said quietly taking her blanket off. I looked at her bare boobs and felt my mouth water.

She brought her face up to mine and brought her hands around my neck. I grabbed her waist and brought her closer to me. She wrapped her legs around my clothed abdomen. I moved her hair out of my view and gazed upon her shiny face against the moon shining through the Bus window.

"Cmon, I need you," Billie said submissively. I smirked then layed her down on the couch. I put the cover over us just in case her mother came in for water or some shit. I went down under so Billie couldn't see me. But I made sure she'd be able to feel me. I took off her underwear slowly and felt her entrance.

"Mm-" I felt Billie heavily sigh at my test.


She was much more passionate this time which was something I wasn't used to. She looked me in the eyes while we kissed. She moaned my name louder then I did hers. The trust I felt holding her hand.

She's asleep on my chest. Her hand is across my stomach and I keep aligning my breathing pattern to hers. Which makes me light-headed. I scratch her scalp making her smile with her eyes still closed.

God, you're beautiful. Though you forgive me I'm not sure I forgive myself.

I fall asleep as she drowsily kissed my neck. Tuning out every noise traffic and roads could make.


The sun blinded me as I woke up on an empty couch. I rubbed my eyes and didn't feel the bus moving. I went up to the small window then realized I was only wearing underwear and a big t-shirt. I don't remember putting that on. Hm, maybe Billie put them on me.

I opened the door and saw Billie sitting on a patch of grass right by the truck. She was scrolling on her phone and looked up at me.

"Heya Valerie," Billie said cheerfully. I gleamed at her joyful response.

"Hey?" I said still disoriented from waking up. "How'd you sleep?"

"I- actually had a full night's rest. Can you sleep with me every night?" Billie admitted.

"Sexually? i don't think my body could handle that." I joked. She rolled her eyes. She patted the blanket she was sitting on. I took it as a reminder that Im still standing in my underwear and I sit on her lap.

"No, just let me latch onto you.....every night," Billie said putting her arms over my shoulder. I grabbed her hands.

"Aw fine." I smiled.

I looked at her. "Hey- I don't know if your ready for this but- are we anything? Or am I uh- uh hookup?"

Billie frowned. "Do I ask hookups to stay latched onto me every night?"

I scoffed. "Sorry but I don't want sarcasm I was only asking a question."

"Don't be overly sensitive Valerie." Billie shot back. I looked down and rolled my eyes.

"Anyway. What're we doing today. I'm tired of filming nonstop." I said immediately regretting waking up this morning.

"I'm gonna tell them to cut the cameras and stop this documentary," Billie said with no emotion. I looked at her in shock.

"I'm sorry? What? Why?"

"Because- this shit is stupid. I wanna go back to being regular." Billie said still with no expression.

"Billie- You spent...millions. Millions on this and your gonna throw it away caus-"

"Cause I was raped. I was raped, abused, and will be forced to see him. Over. And Over. And OVER." Billie rants creating tears in her eyes. I look at her with a wild expression. She gets up.

"Listen, Valerie. You saved me. I thank you, I could have been seriously hurt, your fucking nose is broken." Billie let tears drop.

"But fame is killing me and my sanity. No documentary."

I brought her into a warm embrace which she cried heavily.

"He took- He took it before but I was drugged. How could I let this happen again." Billie said into my neck. I picked her up earning a scared sigh.

"It's okay. We're just gonna go back inside and calm down."

"I love you," I said to her out of nervousness. She lifted her head and looked at me.

"Really?" Billie said tensely.

"Yup, babygirl I fucking love you," I said smiling.

"Maybe I love you too then," Billie said with no rush. As she put her head in my shoulders I put her down on the couch again.

"Are we going to another hotel room?" I asked. Billie nodded.

"Yeah, We're in another city in Germany,"

I smiled at her. Kissing her on the forehead I put on Netflix. Looking through everything just to pick The Office again.

A/N: Heyo. What do you guys think so far? What do you guys think is gonna happen? I don't wanna stop this book for no reason so I need some ideas lol. And I adore this book. This was also just a filler chapter.



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