Off To Bed With You

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Derek was asked by Liz to fix the couch up for Bethany. Grant and Claire looked on.

"Let me help you," Bethany said as she helped him tuck the sheets in the cushions.


"You're welcome."

Bethany put the pillow on the left end of the couch.

"So what were they like?"

"My parents?"


"Well, I grew up in a democratic style household. That means they were stern with me but not too stern, they never shoved anything down my throat...metaphorically speaking, they expected me to give everything my best effort; They were kind and loving."

"Are you a Mommy or a Daddy's girl?"

"Why ask that!?"

"Maybe you have a parent you're much closer to."

"Hmm...well...I love them both. But if I had to choose between them if I was seriously asked that question, no choice but to choose one...I choose Daddy. We had much more in common, he taught me everything I know about life, gave me endless words of wisdom, he taught me classic literature which I love most in the world. I read a Roald Dahl story in school last month and I aced the test on it."

"That's my girl," Grant said.

"What book?"

"Matilda. What's your favorite book?"

"I don't have a favorite, I don't read unless it's for school."

They continues fixing the couch as Grant ranted.

"See Claire, that's what's the matter with kids these days, they don't read! They focus on comic books and Playboy magazines, oh gosh they might as well live under Mount Everest!"

"Magazines have words in them," Claire said.

"About how to be the prettiest girl in school."

Grant started imitating a teen girl.

"Oh Stacy you know what I learned in Cosmo the other day, how to look like a clown called Bucko!"

"Ha ha, Grant, Cosmo's not as bad as you think."


The kids had the couch fixed.

"There we are. I'm going to bed, good night," Derek said.

"Night Derek, it was nice talking to you."

"You too."

Derek went upstairs to bed. Bethany laid down and got under the covers. Grant and Claire walked closer to the couch.

"Good night Bethany, see you in the morning," Claire said as she blew a kiss.

"Good night Bethy, off to bed with you," Grant said as he kissed her on the head.

She did feel it, sat up, felt her head and looked around the living room.

"Probably a fly, hmm."

She laid back down and slept.

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