the biginning of the war (lenvskaito) part.1

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miku's POV:

the morning i wake up , suddently i see len sleeping next me! , in my room! in my bed ! and hugging m- owh ... hahah i just remember what happened last night , i'm such a baka girl . i turned my head to see what time is it , it's 8:30 a.m... owh no! that b#€tch mikuo didn't wake me u-owh ... i'm silly , We don't have school today , it's sunday . then i turned my head again to face len , he was sleeping deeply , his bangs covers his eyes , and his mouth was half-opened , he was really cute i just want to kiss him !!! kyaaa!! . i can feel my face burn right now omg omg omfg !!! ... i moved my hand to remove his messy bangs of his eyes , and touch his soft cheeks , then i rubbed his soft and fluffy hair , then i kissed his nose , suddently i head him moan , that makes me blush more deeply , and then he said "moring..miku...chan" his eyes was still closed , "o-ohayou ... len-kun" i said trying to get up to not let him see my red face , but he pulled me and hugged me more tighter , i can tell that he was really strong, "stay with me .... just 5 more minutes" , he said kissing my cheeks , "etto... len-kun ... if my brother mikuo see you , he will probably kill me " i said pushing him to get up "i don't care , you're now mine miku-chan , then no one will touch you if i am with you , and don't worry i'll be always with you- .... Zzzz'' , i push him on the face then quikly gets up before he catch me , "get up you lazy hentai !" then he slowly start to gets up , "gets out ... i'm taking a bath" i said a little bit nervous ," it's okay i'll wait you here " he said liying on the bed , ugh that lazy one -.- , "just don't do anything funny with my stuffs or something ok? ... and don't try to- uhm ... anyway just stay there" i said taking some clothes , cuz ya know -.- ... if len saw me nacked ... i mean half-nacked ... well geez i'm really nervous >.< !!! "owkay don't worry" he said with a smirk in his voice , i can tell that he was planning something that hentai boy -.- ... i enter my bathroom that was in my bedroom , and closed the door and locked it of course , i put my clothes in the corner of the tub , i takes my clothes off then sit in the tub , the water was so warm , i feel really good , after few minutes i decided to gets out , i was about to take my clothes but .... shit ! all my clothes falled into the tub ! oh no what am i going to do now? .... oh i just have to bring some other cloth- ugh len is there ! i can't go there nacked .... with only this towel that covered my body , i guess i have just to ask him ....

len's POV:

i'm waiting miku to finish her bath , omg i'm imaginning her in the tub and- calm down len calm down ... "e-etto... len-kun" suddently i heard her said, i can tell from her voice that she was really really nervous ... kawaiii~ , then i stood up and approach the bathroom's door , that was closed , "yes miku-chan ? what do you want?" i said getting closer to the door , she takes a moment before she spoke "GET OUT OF MY ROOM YOU HENTAI I WANNA TAKE SOME CLOTHES!!!!'' ouch... my ear , "didn't you take your clothes with you ?" i said confused , "n-no i mean yes ... it's just , my clothes are wet , and i just have a towel covering my body! now get out!'' she said more harder , i can imagine that , hahah but i'm not going anywhere before i see her with that towal mwahaha~ !

"ne ne miku-chan... you'll catch cold , don't worry i'll get some clothes for you" i smirked and wait for an aswer "n-no ! it's okay , i...i-'' before she could say something i cut her ''no miku i don't wanna you to get sick, just stay there owkay?"

then i goes to her clothes's cabinet , i took a shirt , a cute skirt , a little cute turquoise pantsu with a leek on it , that make my nose bleed omg ! and then knock on the bathroom's door , i heard her say gitting closer to the door "a-anyway ... thanks , and please just put it on the floor , i'll take it by myself'' , hahah i think she knew what i was supposing to do , but i rufused and smirked "it's okay miku , just open the door... don't worry miku-nee" hahah she is soo easy ! after a moment , i heard the door start to open slowly , then i saw miku hiding behing the door and just looking at me with one eye , i felt like she wanna say 'i'll kill you' , kawaii~ ... "now give me my clothes, and go out ... now !!!" she said looking right in my eyes , i knew she was serious , really serious , hahah but i'm serious too . i stepped back and said with a serious tone "well if you want your clothes just come and take it" , i saw her pull her hand to take her clothes from my hands , she put her hand on the clothes and pull it , but i grabed the clothes tight to make her show the other hand , she did what i was planning for ,"let go len!" she pull it hard but i still taking it harder , then... she gets out from the bathroom showing on all her body , with just towel covering her , with her very long turquoise hair covering all her back , her boobs was not too big , and not too small but the perfect size , and i can tell that her skin are just soo soft , oh shit why am i describing her too much !!! i can feel that my nose is bleeding now omfg !!! i let go from her clothes to hide my red face and bleeding nose , suddently... i felt something warm ontop of me , i take a look , and saw miku !!! omg omg omg !!! then she quikly get up and run to the bathroom , "i am really sorry len !!! i just tripped and .... it's your fault baka!!! you're the one who didn't give me my clothes !" "i am sorry miku-chan ..." it was a silence before she gets out from the bathroom (of course with her normal clothes) and looked at me , then looked away , "why are you still here ... go out baka , i knew what you was planning to ... did you think i'm stupid like you are hahah" she laughed a little then looks at me again smiling "well i just wanna stay a while with my cute little stupid girlfriend hahah" i laughed too looking at her , she walked closer to me and kissed me on the lips , i kissed her back ... suddently i heard the door openned...

kaito's POV:

i waked up and then looked around me , it was just gakupo and mikuo , i gets up and look around the room , there was none of len , i looked around all of the house exept of miku's room ... i'm too shy (XD) but not a sight of len ,i was worried a little about miku , if len was in her room .... i have to save her cause i'm her prince~ ...anyway , i opened the door slowly and looked around to see , len , and MY miku k-kissing!!!

ouch .

"wh-what are you doing guys ?! i mean what are YOU doing len with MY miku?" i said loudly

"k-kaito ?! ... no it's not like that-Wait what do you mean with MY miku?! she is mine get it ?!" len said glaring at me, i walked toward them and grabs miku's arm and then pull her to me . "she want me not you , so you better let her alone" then len take miku's other arm and pull her tight to him , "hey ! she is MY girlfriend get it ?! i am the guy who won her heart get it , and of course she want me not you so i wouldn't let her alone get it ?! so please get out of my girlfriend room " len said , i stood there chocking ... but it can't be , miku are hos girlfriend ... no ... i feel hurt , but i won't cry for some reason like this , or i should ? ... i feel disgust , really disgust.

after a few seconds i decided to say something , but miku looks at me and said with a serious tone "kaito i.... len is right you have to get out of my room" ... after a moment i walked toward the door glaring at len , i open it and get out ... i closed the door behind and goes to the bathroom , i washed my face , to not cry.... this is a nightmare , right ? i don't think so , but then an idea gets on my mind , if i make them broke up ...then maybe miku would accept me , yeah haha great one kaito ! ... but how , and who will help me with that ... maybe meiko , no not her ...she is a little weird ugh ... maybe Luka or rin ? nop they are on mikuxlen side , yes!!! Neru !!!

she is the perfect for this job , we all knew that neru like len , no she loves him , hahahah , i tooks my phone to text neru about it and ... she accepted yesss !!! ,

(kaito and neru's texting):

kaito: hey neru

Nehru:hi kaito , what do you want ?

kaito: you love len right?

neru:yes ! i love him ... what's the matter about it ?

kairo: well neru , len don't love you back as you tought , he already have a girlfriend ,miku hatsune

Neru: well , len loves me ! not that bitch miku! get it ?! and i am who will be her girlfriend !!! ... wait , how did you knew that ?!

kaito : stupid.... i found them kissing on miku's room , and he already told me that he love her...

neru :and why do you tell me that , you hurted me !!!!

kaito: let me just continue okay ? .... so i ... i love miku and i wanna gets her...

Neru: wait you like that bitch ?!

kaito: -.- yeah i love her , and why do you like that mother f#*§πΔer len ?

neru : .... continue please

kaito : as i said ... i wanna get her , and you love len so you wanna get him .... so what if we worked togueder to make them broke up ?Neru: owkay .... i accept , and how we can broke the up ?

kaito: i'll see you at the rooftop at school kay ? but now i don't have time to explan

Neru: okay get it !



yaaaaaay !!! \^•^/ i finally finish it !!! sorry if is it a little short , cause ya know ... it's been 3 weeks i didn't update it hahah

and thank you soooo much hudamiku .for your comments ♥♥♥, *bows down* it always makes my day hahah ^ω^ arigato guzaimasu~

..... i can hear my mum tell me to shut up hahah ^^" it's always like that :

mum: damare saruma !

me : gomen'ne oka-san

..... yeah my name is saruma but don't call me that please , call me just miku .... yeah -.-

*bows down again* and don't worry this time i'll update faster !!! =^ω^= nyaa~

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