finally , together forever (the end~)

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Len's POV:

Well now it's been 4 years (now miku are 20 and len are 21 X3 just to make them get married haha...woops i ruined the surprise XD, sowwy), that me and miku are going well and good , plus We are now in our own appartement, just for some stuff. But i'm a little worried , that someone can stole her from me , like kaito was going to do... i want her to be all mine , and only mine mwahahaha, but not at that hentai day perverts. And i finally decided to ask her the most important question , i have to ask her to be all mine , forever, so i sent to a jewellery store , i want to buy the most expencive rang in this store , but even the most expencive rang in this world can't be precious like miku is to me . Then i asked miku on a date , so she accepted .

*after like 3 hours of fun with miku ... in the park *

"It was really fun len , thank you so much you always make my day " she softly said and give me a quick kiss on the cheek , i blushed a little and wrapped my arms around her waist "you make my life , honey" i said with a smile , "len... can i ask you something?" She said with a little smile on her cute little face , "sure what is it princess?" , she turned her face to look at me right in my eyes "well... i-i was wondering if ... if you are looking for your future like umm... geting married and have kids and stuff..." she said while blushing . Wow , i wasen't expecting this from her , she really want me that way ? ... i blushed too and said "well.... i-i'm thinking about it..." , so i think now it is the right time , this is my first and last chance, i have to ask her right now "miku...." i said blushing and looking right in her teal eyes , "yes len?"

Miku's POV:

"Yes len?" I said turning my head to look at his eyes light sea blue eyes . He blushed a little and then take a deep breath and said "miku... you know how much i love you and care about you , and i can't stop thinking about you all the time , i want you to be mine forever , just with me.... so i want to ask you something important...will you marry me ?" .OMG OMG OMG! I felt my heart going so fast , i felt so happy . I felt like this is the best day ever in my life . I jumped on len and hug him so tight , and then whispered to his ear



YAAAAAAAAAY!!!! The end~ ! I feel so happy \^•^/

But don't worry , i'll make millions of lenxmiku stories!!! .... a lot of them °^°~

I just need some time for the ideas !

And i won't forget to thank :




And also for all who voted , arigato ! \^-^/

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