Jeff, Nina & Jane The Killers

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This probably goes without saying but every fighting game needs it's mascots. The Ryu & Ken, the Scorpion & Sub-Zero, that notorious rivarly that makes up fifty percent of the games story. And Jeff and Jane defiantly have that going on. While similar in nature, the two have enough differences to fill their own slots in the roster.

Jane, being a government enhanced assassin basically, would have numerous drugs and arsenal she can whip out during battle. Making her sort of The Deathstroke from Injustice with her physical strength and weaponry. She can even have a Shang Tsung ability where she removes her mask and asumes the identity of the other Killers for a limited time.

Jeff, easily being The Joker of the team, he'd use his signature knife, a gallon of bleach, matches and lengthy limbs to preform brutal battering, stabbing and stompings.

Nina, while one can easily chalk her up as a pallet swap for Jeff's character model in the game, arguably can stand as her own. Taking the weaponry of Jeff and adding a girls touch to their usage. Sort of the Harley Quinn to his Joker.

Jane's Finisher would have her pull out a pack of C4, shove it into her opponents mouth while pushing them back, and turning away to hit the detonator. The explosion going off behind her thus censoring out the gore of someones head popping like a weasel.

Jeff's Finisher would envolve him telling his opponent to "Go To Sleep" while dumping a bottle of bleach all over them. As they squirm on the floor before him in agony, he lights a match and tosses it onto them. The camera panning up to show only the tips of the flames rising up as Jeff watches.

And Nina's Finisher would have her doing what she does best, stealing one's heart from their chest.

The reasons the Killers join the hunt for Slender in a lighting round! Jane want's to find all Killers to kill them, Jeff want's the power to appear to anyone at anytime to kill them, Nina wants to impress Jeff by being the greatest killer of them all.

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