Chapter 6

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I stare at Guy as he speeds over to me, trying to free me from the rope holding my hands together around the pole I was confined to.

"How- how are you here?" I ask, my breath shaky as tears fill my eyes.

"I thought he was you, Sam. I thought this was just a little exploration trip, but god I was so wrong,"

He unties my hands and wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a hug, his breathing quick as he rocks from side to side.

"I was so nervous when I didn't find you at home this morning. I-I thought you had run off and ditched me..." He pulls apart from me and cups my face, staring into my eyes as I stare back into his.

"I would never leave you Guy, you're all I have," I shake in his arms, placing my hands on top of his.

The sound of a gun being cocked makes me whip my head toward where it came from. I stare at my clone as he points his weapon at me. Guy moves in front of me, glaring at him.

"Move out of the way, Guy," He starts, his eyes filled with a desire to kill. "I'll make you mine one way or another."

"You're not Sam," Guy retorts, taking my hand.

I watch as my clone starts to slowly move forward, his gun still pointed at me. Guy's grip tightens on my hand, his other hand moving to a position of defense.

Before I know what's happening, Guy whips his leg around and knocks down the clone. A sharp pain erupts from my thigh as the gun fires, making me yelp.

"Sam!" Guy picks me up bridal-style as I grip my thigh in agony.

"You'll pay for that," The clone says, his side warping and leaving behind flower petals as he stands and holds the gun towards me once more.

Before he can fire it again, Guy speeds out of the room, holding me tightly as he runs up the steps. He stumbles through the dark, trying to find a way out as I start to feel weaker by the second.

"I don't feel so good," I mumble loud enough for him to hear.

"Hang on, Sam. Stay with me."

Guy rushes towards an opening as something is thrown at him and almost makes him trip. He turns his head around and clutches me tighter, getting blood on his chest. I hold onto the fur on his chest as we push out of an opening, my clone following close behind, the gun still in his hand. I start thinking, If I die, this is the last time I'll see him. I need to tell him, he needs to know the truth.

Guy backs away towards the road as the clone moves closer, his voice completely glitched as he laughs.

"You'll never get rid of me, I'll always be with you, Guy."

My clone then doubles over in pain, coughing excessively, and I realize that this is my chance. I raise my hand up to Guy's face weakly, turning his head to look up at me, and with every last ounce of strength I own, I press my lips against his. My hand falls to my chest as I pull away, trying to stay conscious a little bit longer.

"S-Sam?" Guy says, his worried voice becoming muffled as I fade out of life.

I look back to the clone who is no longer in front of us, petals and the gun residing where he just stood.

"I love you," I say, giving Guy a weak smile before everything fades to black.

If this is how I die, then at least I'll get to have lived knowing that I told the man I loved how I felt.


I stare at the almost lifeless body in my arms, feeling tears rush to my eyes as I realize what just happened.

He loved me, all this time he loved me and now he's gone. I shake my head as I kneel on the ground, putting my fingers to Sam's neck to check for a pulse. I breathe through a sigh of relief as I feel the slow beat pulsing, glad that he's not completely dead, before standing back up, clutching onto the dying body of the man I loved.

Panic starts to flood back to me as I look down at Sam, wondering how long he can keep holding on for. I start walking quickly down the road towards the hospital, not wanting to hurt him even more. I see lights get brighter behind me, yet I keep my focus on getting Sam to the hospital.


I turn and stare at the car parked next to me, watching as a figure walks around the front of it, the headlights lighting her up. Michellee runs over to me as she sees Sam in my arms, looking at his leg that was caked in the somewhat dried crimson that had slowed its flow.

"What happened!?" Michellee panics as she stares up at me, seeming to search for an answer within my eyes.

I shake my head, looking down at Sam and tapping my foot anxiously, "I've got no time to talk, Michellee. Sam is dying and I need to get him to the hospital," I watch as she opens the back door of her car, silently instructing me to put him in.

I follow her order and sit in the back, laying Sam down over my lap to keep his leg from bleeding again. I look at his face, now noticing that his fur was dirtier than I had realized before. How long was he there for? How did I not know he was in danger? I mentally slap myself before realizing that Michellee was talking to me.

"What?" I ask.

"I said, I don't know what you've gotten yourself into, but you need to promise me that it's the last time this ever happens."

I stare out the windshield, my hand resting on Sam's chest gently as it rises and falls in rhythm with his slow breathing, "I don't even understand what did happen."

Michellee sighs as she looks into the rearview mirror at me, her eyes filled with pity. Would I ever be able to tell her what happened? Would she even understand why I feel the way I do towards Sam? Do I even understand what happened? It's too much, I can't take it anymore.

"Guy," Michellee shakes me gently, the door next to me open. "We're here, c'mon."

I look down at Sam, then back to her, nodding before scooting out of the back seat, clutching Sam close to me once more, still wondering how he can grip onto his life for so long. We rush into the hospital, getting a doctor and watching as Sam is pushed off down the hall on a bed.

Michellee pulls me into a hug as I feel my eyes start to water, and I hold my sadness back as much as I can, gripping onto the back of her shirt tightly.

"Want me to stay with you for the night? I'm sure E.B. will be fine on her own for a couple hours," She says, looking up at me.

"I think I just want to be alone with my thoughts for now," I reply, stepping away from the hug as I bite my lip.

"Okay, but if you need anything don't hesitate to call me. I love you too much to see you this upset, Guy."

I freeze at her words, how can I love someone back as I find that my heart now resides on another? I'll tell her tomorrow, I decide, following her back to the car. She'll hate me, but at least I won't have to worry about it ever again.

The ride back to my house is quiet. A curtain of awkwardness residing between us as I ponder how to tell her. Do I be firm with her? No, that would break her too much. Be gentle, don't say too much that would be hard on her, just get right to the point.

As we arrive at my house, Michellee plants a kiss on my cheek, placing her hand on the spot she had just kissed.

"Remember to shower, you have blood on your chest."

I nod timidly as I get out of the car, unlocking the front door and stepping inside, leaning back on it with a sigh as it closes. The silence of the house is startling, even though I lived alone. I push myself off the door and walk into the bathroom, turning the shower on as I feel all the pain inside me rise. And as all the water falls from the showerhead, I let all of my tears fall like a girl in a cheesy rom-com would. How did everything go so wrong so fast? And why did everything wrong have to happen to the man I now loved more than a friend?

Warped Petals (Sam-I-Am x Guy-Am-I)Where stories live. Discover now