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Ashton leads Calum to near the bathroom. I hesitate to follow, but I decide against in considering I would be no help. When they reach the bathroom Calum has his head in his palms while shaking his head. I sit at the bench casually glancing over trying to be nonchalant but it's clear that I'm watching what's happening. Ashton grabs the collar of Calum's T-shirt while gritting his teeth. Suddenly I feel I should step in. Calum stammers back
"I don't want your sister you dumbass! Can't you see I'm clearly not the one interested? Maybe you should talk to the other person creating this problem."

Those words instantly make me nauseous and my eyes widen. I feel as if stomach has hit the floor. I fight back tears as I ball my fists. The burn of my finger nails in my palms helps relieve my furious state, but nothing could help me right now more than to punch him in the face.

Ashton rolls his eyes and tells him he better be right as he turns on his heel and heads for the bar.

I watch Calum stroll over to the spot where we were previously and he orders another shot. I wonder what number he's on, since we've gotten here it's been a constant drinking game to him. Am I really the unbearable?

I head to the bar to order another fruity drink but this time I ask for it a little harder. Calum glances over at me and I shoot him a glare. When the bartender hands me the drink I take a sip of the liquor and it instantly warms my insides.

I slam back what I think is my 5th drink tonight and suddenly I'm feeling a little loose. I stammer back the original bench Calum lead me to and decide to watch him at the bar. He has never seemed to mind looking at other girls in front of me, but he's showing more than slight interest in the girl across the bar. I stare as he briefly peers over at her for about 10 minutes. When I see him rising from his seat I know exactly where this is going.

My eyes start to water as I see him roam around until he finds himself in front of the her. This wouldn't hurt so bad if she wasn't perfect with her long brown hair, tan smooth skin, red pursed lips, and to top it off a small figure in a slim fit black dress. What a terrible night for me to be wearing leggings and a T-shirt.

Calum peers up at her and gives her a cheeky gin. I can't make out what exact words are exchanged but it's clear to see it's not just a friendly exchange. I watch her and observe for awhile until Calum grabs her wrist and leads her to the barstool where we sat earlier. He hands the waiter a twenty and orders two drinks. I observe how often he looks at Ashton as if he needs to prove to him some sense of reassurance. I'm so done with this. He thinks he can just throw me under the bus like that and expect me to crawl back the next day, but I'm done. This is a new level of frustration and anger I've had with him. I'm sure the alcohol coursing through my veins is a great influence for these negative thoughts, but it's time to forget.

I go to order another drink, but when I hand the bartender my money Calum makes direct eye contact with me and does exactly what he knows will kill me. I watch him slide his hand up her bare thigh and instantly my eyes flood with tears. She peers up at him as he takes the loosely fallen hair in her face into his fingers as he tucks it behind her ear. I leave without my drink and head for the door. I can't take this anymore, let alone when I'm in a drunken state.

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