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I wake up to find myself sprawled across the bed over on Harry's side of the mattress. He's not here which confuses me. I quickly grab my phone to check the time. 11:06 it reads and already on 3% battery along with 10 new voice mails from Calum. I don't give a second thought before hitting delete considering they're essentially meaningless. I should get out of here before Justin notices I'm still lingering in his home, but I don't have enough battery to even look up a cab. Fuck.. maybe I can ask Justin for a ride.. this doesn't seem very like Harry to leave me here without a car. I hope he didn't rush out because of what happened last night. I myself am still unsure of the situation. It is what it is though, if anything it was more of a comforting movement. I quickly pack my bags and head for downstairs. When I reach the bottom of the steps I try my best to come up with something to say, but how exactly do you go about asking for a ride to someone you've never met besides a quick five minute drunk conversation. Maybe I'll just explain my situation.. he seemed like a decent guy maybe he'll understand. My feet slowly make their way to the kitchen before I peek around the corner and a sense of relief rushes over me when I see Harry with his feet proped up on the table, shirtless, with messy hair and a cup of black coffee in hand.

He quickly glances up at me and gives me grin "Good morning.. or should I say afernoon?"

"Good morning. I know I slept in way too late. How long have you been up?" I reply

"I'd say an hour or so, but it's fine I wanted to let you sleep in. Are you ready to go? I wanted to head to the store for groceries. Maybe we could make some dinner later? I've been missing home cooked food lately and Luke was telling me how much he loves your cooking." He says with a smile peeking through his plump pink lips

"Of course he did" I reply scrunching my nose and shaking my head with a grin taking over my sleepy face

"Is that a yes? I'm not going to lie I've been thinking about it since I woke up." He says with a pout trying not to crack a smile

"Yessss" I sigh

Within seconds he has his keys and heading for the door. The car ride isn't long until we're in the Festival parking lot and Harry is asking me continuous questions of what I can make.

"Like.. uhm.. what is you favorite? What have you made for Luke? Does he have a favorite?"

"Just tell me what you want and I'll make it Harry" I giggle at his excitement over such small things in his astonishing life.

"How about something fancy? Lobster?" he says with raised brows

"Sure thing, lets go find it." I say strolling down the isle.

Harry spends a good 15 minutes picking out the best lobster to find the biggest one available. I chuckle at how his eyes are so concentrated until I've had enough.

"Alright Harry I think this one will work." I say grabbing a lobster and heading for the check out as he trails behind me.

The cashier's face stiffens when she looks at Harry and I see her hands begin to shake as she studders under the pressure. "Uhm.. would you like... paper.. or uhm plastic?" she questions with broken words. Her breathing quickens before I find a group of girls swarming us pushing me aside and handing me her iPhone "Take a photo of us." she says in an assertive tone Harry's oblivious to her rudeness as he clenches her tight and takes a photo while she kisses him on the cheek kicking her leg up. The rest of the girls get their photos meanwhile continuously reminding him how big of fans they are until he grabs my shoulder leading me through the mob to the car.

I sigh thinking about how painfully annoying his fame has become.
"I don't see how you do it. I would go insane not even being able to go to the grocery store in privacy." I sympathetically state

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