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₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ ◝﹙ ZERO tutorial level. ﹚ ❜

IT WAS A RAINY friday night, droplets hitting the glass window providing the perfect white noise. the raindrops slid down the pane of glass, passing the dull glow of the table lamp inside. it was a perfect night to spend with beloved family, maybe friends. cuddled up in their loving embrace with a hot drink in hand, laughing and giggling all throughout the night.

(Y/n), however, favoring much more isolated activities. ones that involved only herself, a game console and controller. even now on the weekend, when most, if not all, her classmates left to visit their family and loved ones, the girl preferred to engage with hers as least as possible.

the screen's light shined against her (s/c) skin, with nothing but a simple bedside table lamp on, the only other source illuminating the room was her TV screen. the dim light gave the girl an alluring glow even with her (h/l) (h/c) hair a mess and pajamas wrinkled.

her (e/c) eyes darted from one corner of the screen to another, occasionally lighting up when she won yet another round. her fingers skillfully moving across the buttons on the controller gracefully, pressing the right buttons at the right time.

the dulling noise from the rain outside was enough to allow her to lose herself into the virtual world, something she did often.

the game currently holding her attention was Need for Speed, a simple racing game in which the player is given two options: be a cop and chase or be a racer and challenge other players in (you guessed it) racing, all the while keeping a vigilant eye to avoid losing at the hands of a cop. upon winning a race, the player is rewarded with XP points-- an in-game currency.

(Y/n), our beloved protagonist, played the game for a considerable amount of time. having the street routes and shortcuts memorized gave her an advantage; an advantage that made playing the game a piece of cake. though, she was a humble soul– even with her username flashing at the top of the leaderboard as she dominanted the game and made it her bitch; she never flaunted.

"you fucking suck hairy balls at this!" she chuckled lowly, swerving her black car to pass through a gas station, repairing damage. she ignored the 'HOT PURSUIT' warning as it flashed at the top of the screen.

"get back here!" (Y/n)'s previous confident chuckles now turned into laughter as the deep voice reached her ears, undoubtedly a butt-hurt 20 year old male living in his mother's basement, angry that he was getting schooled by a person with "shrekplsfukmexx" as their username.

before she can respond with a roast that'll leave him traumatized and triggered for life and maybe even the afterlife— (Y/n)'s dorm room door swung open, she almost didnt hear it with her headset on; only realizing when a very familiar caramel scent reached her nose. turning to look at who the intruder was, shooting them an annoyed stare. "get the fuck out of my room im playing Minecraft!"

"shut the fuck up, shit-face, stop quoting vines! its dead, and so is your humor." Katsuki glared, tired red eyes meeting sleep deprived (e/c) ones. "im trying to sleep, but your annoying voice keeps waking me up!"

she chuckled at his adorable appearance, she could only assume that the glare he shot her way was to seem intimidating but it was more cute than scary. his blonde hair sticking out in random directions, tanktop crinkled from what could be too much tossing and turning— the sweatpants he wore hanging loosely around his waist.

safe to say, he looked like an annoyed cat.

(Y/n) tugged at the cord connecting her headset to her controller, giving Bakugou her undivided attention– not minding the actual game nor its results. "im sorry," she offered, the corners of her lips turning upward in an apologetic smile; hand set on the curve of her neck. "i thought the dorms were empty."

"well you thought -fucking- wrong!" He glared.

(Y/n)'s expression shifted, an unamused look lacing her features. "didn't you say you were visiting your parents today?" she turned back to the screen and readjusted her headphones, "not my fault you were too much of a pussy to face your mom."

Bakugou's nostrils flared, his temper sparking  at her words. (Y/n) could feel the waves of heat rolling off of his body – she was half expecting him to start foaming at the mouth. "THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?!" he came stomping towards her hunched over form; his anger increasing at her uninterested expression, not sparing him a second of her time to make eye contact.

before Katsuki could wrap his fingers around her throat and strangle the soul out of her body, the flickering words from the screen that read '@SHREKPLSFUKMEXX WINS FIRST PLACE' caught his attention.

(Y/n)'s eyes shined, her grin reaching her ears. "yes!" she squealed, throwing her arms up in victory. "suck deez nuts, @ iconic ninja, i fucking slay!" and while she celebrated her much deserved win, the blonde boy next to her could only facepalm– looking down at her with disgust. "you're so... fucking odd."

the (h/c) haired female pursed her lips, a hand over her chest in feign pain. "how could you say that about your best friend, Katsu..."

"get over it." he glared, turning to take his leave. "i'm leaving, dont start shouting again."

"pssh. jealous cause im better at video games.." she whispered under breath, pouting fading way as she took hold of her black controller once more; already joining a new game.

at her words, Katsuki froze in his tracks, slowly turning to send a death glare her way. if looks could kill; (Y/n) would've be six feet under.

"huh.." the tip of her left brow raising in slight confusion at his abrupt stop.

"you? better than me?" he asked, voice lowering a few octaves which sent chills down the girl's back. "what? you, you heard that? no! no no no, me? better than you? you know i could never! god forbid! thats just blasphemy." (Y/n) forced a laugh, the slightest bit afraid at his icy glare; heart pounding roughly against her ribcage with every step Bakugou took towards her.

said boy took hold of her pajama collar, bringing her to her feet through sheer force; faces barley apart. take me to dinner first.

"i challenge you at whatever shitty game you're playing!" he yelled into her face, throwing her back onto the floor.

(Y/n) could feel pain radiating through her lower body, the force of the ground hitting her tailbone made her butt ache. "wha?" she stared up at him both in shock and in pain.

"you heard me, dumbass." he glared, snatching the second controller and turning it on. he took a seat next to her on the floor but made sure to keep a comfortable distance between his legs and hers.

(Y/n) tossed back a sly smirk, shifting her attention from his handsome tired face to the screen. "im gonna fuck you up." 

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