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₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ ◝﹙ TWO mortal kombat. ﹚ ❜

THE SCHOOL DAY WAS TIRING, more tiring than usual– (Y/n) could only blame it on the pervious sleepless night she had spent with Bakugou playing Fire Boy and Water Girl; yeah, maybe that was it.

just maybe.

her (e/c) eyes glanced over at said blonde, her suspicions confirmed– he was also dying. she sighed, turning to look up at the large whiteboard; attempting to give Mr Aizawa her undivided attention. keyword: attempting.

(Y/n) wanted nothing more than to just throw her tired body onto her soft, warm bed and sleep the rest of her life away.

she almost screamed in glee when the bell rang loudly, as much as she wanted to sprint down the halls to her precious dorm; her fatigued body could only manage small, tired steps.

"look alive, fuck head."

(Y/n) turned to meet eyes with the one and only Katsuki Bakugou– pausing to allow him to catch up to her. "you're in the presence of me." he arrogantly grinned, pointing a thumb to himself.

"you're being extra egoistical today..." the end of (Y/n)'s lips curling into a tired smile – truth be told she was too drained to put up with his attitude. if she was at full energy she would've knocked his ego down a peg or two.

"well thats because i brought my own game this time. ill beat you in this one for sure!" the boy claimed pridefully.

"whatever helps you sleep at night, Katsu." she smiled, rolling her eyes at his cocky demeanor. "what is it?"

Bakugou pulled out a blue disc case from his backpack, a picture of a yellow ninja on the cover. "oh Mortal Kombat nice!" her smile grew, taking the case from his hand to examine the game. "i tried it before, its really gory..."

"what? ya scared? pfft." Bakugou's sly smirk flat-out read 'youre pathetic.'

"no! i just dont like the amount of unnecessary violence." she crossed her arms.

"yeah... no youre scared shitless."

"ugh! lets go to my dorm right now and play it! it doesnt matter what game you dig out of your ass ill win anyways." she mirrored his smirk back, marching off to the direction of her room with the red eyed boy trailing behind her. "yeah we'll see about that."

reaching her familiar dorm, (Y/n) jumped atop her bed; motioning for her best friend to set the disc in the console.

"alright, get your ass over here." he grumbled, picking up his controller."

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