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"You think it's a good idea?"

"It wasn't mine so-"

"But you can decide."

"I'm afraid I can't, this time"

By the time Baekhyun walked downstairs, he found the couple fixing each other's looks and checking their phones as they share a few whispers. Both of them looked pretty elegant but still casual. Luhan, with his brown hair parted, was wearing a pair of light blue jeans and a white polo t-shirt with short sleeves. Sehun, on the other hand, was wearing a pair of grey pants with a white shirt, sleeves rolled up a little over his wrists so he can always check his watch. They both looked neat, ready to leave the house in any second.

"There you are. We thought you changed your mind", Sehun said as he looked to the stairs, watching Baekhyun getting closer to them. 

He had his brown bangs covering his forehead and eyes, the rest of his face being covered by a black mask since it was spring and Luhan didn't want him to catch any allergy. He had a dark floral shirt on and a pair of black jeans, keeping the whole look simple, so he won't get observed by anyone.

"Luhan would wish", he only murmured, putting on his shoes. "Shall we?" he asked as he beamed a smile that they couldn't see because of the mask but his eyes were locked on his brother, who was more than annoyed because of the whole situation. Sehun could only pat his fiance's shoulder and push him in front so they could finally leave the house where the youngers were living. 

Once they got inside the car, everyone went silent. From time to time, they could hear Luhan's loud sighs or gasps as he opened his mouth, ready to say something but then it was closed by Sehun's palm on his thigh. Still, his eyes were locked on the reflection of his brother in the mirror, who was looking back to him, taking his mask on only to finally show his smirk. 

The weather was pretty hot for an early spring day so when they got to the restaurant, almost an hour later, they decided to sit outside at a table...for four. Luhan sat down next to his little brother, his husband taking the seat in front of the younger. 

You could cut the tension with a knife. Luhan, sharing glares with Sehun then looking back to Baekhyun who didn't pay too much attention, busy with the menu in his hands even if he knew the pairs of eyes on him. He really didn't mind them. He acted so carelessly, as the words from the days before he heard from the two men meant nothing, and same for the concerned looks they share now. 

The last weeks were difficult. For all of them, especially because they had no idea what's happening in each other's heads or minds, even if they were basically together all the time. Luhan is sleeping late these weeks, working until morning on his laptop and Sehun was out of Korea a few times. Seems like everyone was so busy with their hectic work, unlike Baekhyun. Who, from Luhan point of view, started to develop a bratty side because of the freedom he and his husband gave him for the past few years. He had more than enough and the only thing that kept him away from making a bad scene was Sehun's "leave him alone" or "he'll calm down". These words worked a few times, especially when he was there to say them in his face, not on the phone. The days when he was alone with Baekhyun in the house were the hardest. They just couldn't get along, Baekhyun interrupting his work again and again to ask things he shouldn't ask or do things he wasn't supposed to. The older couldn't understand what's wrong with his little brother. 

He was about to find out. 

Around 30 minutes later, the tension created by the silence between them was cut by a deep voice coming from behind the younger. It was the kind of voice that would make your blood freeze and stop you from moving or breathing. The kind of voice you wouldn't like to hear only because of the scary feeling it was giving you, showing the authority just from the tone. And you could see this on Sehun's and Luhan's faces. How their faces blocked immediately, how they stopped breathing for a second, looking up to the tall man. But...the blood inside Baekhyun's body was boiling. He wasn't scared. And even if he was, he would take this as a pleasant feeling. Yet, he didn't dare to look behind him. He waited patiently, with his subtle smirk on for the male to take a seat besides Luhan, in front of Sehun. They wouldn't allow them to get closer. They were sitting in different corners and yet, Baekhyun felt like they were alone. And each glance would make the feeling inside him more real until he found himself lost in his thoughts. 

It felt the same as it did the first time. 

Giving Baekhyun another short look, their guest started to talk, putting the keys of his car and his other belonging like wallet and phone on the table to sit more comfortably. Baekhyun couldn't hear the conversation as he was analysing the man in front of him. Tall, with broad shoulders and a muscular body. His eyes were big and dark, complimenting his black hair styled back. With plump lips and big ears, Baekhyun was thinking about how many people felt in this trap of his innocent aspect, ignoring the body sculpted by God himself but in such a sinful manner, even with the clothes on. A clean man, with a good future ahead made by himself, showing his brilliant mind. And he could swear, he could sit and analyse him all over like this for hours or even days if Luhan's gaze wouldn't devour him, asking him to stop looking. So he does, turning his head for a second to meet his brother's eyes that were ready to kill him. Already in his 30's. Sehun's boss. 

Baekhyun was not the one to blame. Who could keep his eyes away from someone like this? Or their thoughts. He couldn't. 

"What's the point of this meeting, again?" Baekhyun could finally hear the taller's voice when he's out of his thoughts. And even if he wasn't looking, he could feel his eyes all over his small figure, dominating him. And the feeling got even stronger when they did. When the older's eyes locked with his for a second then analysed him from head to toe in one second, making his blood boil again, sending shivers down his spine. But not the kind of shivers Luhan could feel. It wasn't fear. For Baekhyun, it was a pleasure. To have this pair of eyes all over him. He couldn't understand the panic. 

Neither Luhan or Sehun answered the male's question. They were both looking at each other with concern in their eyes, then turned to the smaller to talk, when he opened his little mouth. 

"I wanted to see you, Park Chanyeol", he finally said. 


Finally :) a new chapter. Can you guys guess what's happening in this one? I don't think so~

New update soon. 

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