Baekhyun woke up this morning with Luhan and Sehun arguing behind his door.
"I'm doing it, leave me!", Sehun almost shouts, steps getting closer to his door.
"Let him sleep, Sehun!" Luhan fought back, softly laughing.
Of course, it wasn't something serious nor even an argument. Baekhyun shortly laughs with his eyes still closed, hiding under the sheets on his bed. He almost fell back asleep when he felt a hand ruffling his hair in a playful manner.
"Baekhyun", Sehun starts, "wake up. We need to talk." He kept his voice low, still trying to wake up the younger. Moments later, Baekhyun would finally open his eyes, trying to get used with the light inside the room before looking at the two men standing up in front of his bed. He took a look at the clock on his nightstand, indicating that it's still pretty early in the morning, around 8 AM.
The man who woke him up was all dressed up in a black outfit, hair parted in the middle, while his brother was still in his pyjamas, consisting in a pair of sweat pants and one of Sehun's shirts, hair in more directions than a simple night of sleep could give you. Baekhyun could also swear he saw a small drip of dried droll on the corner of his brother's mouth and he told himself he might have seen wrong until he realized that under the shirt that was on Sehun the night before were hided marks on Luhan's neck. Then, he finally told himself it was one of those mornings.
"Listen, I have to go. I'll be in Japan for a week or two so you take care of each other, alright?", Sehun talked as he pointed to both of them, the youngers nodding their heads. "You, behave. Listen to Luhan, alright?" He asked, moving the bangs away from his forehead. "And you, call me if the- actually", he then turns from Luhan back to Baekhyun. "You call me if there is any problem, we both know how Luhan wants to deal with problems alone so I'm trusting you to call me in case anything happens while I'm gone. Clear for both of you?" They could only nod their heads again, Luhan throwing him a glare before leaving the bedroom, shutting the door behind him.
"Someone's grumpy", Baekhyun starts, grinning at Sehun. "Try another position next time, would you?" He then starts laughing when he sees the man getting surprised by his teasing, being hit with a pillow seconds later before the older would leave the room to look for his husband while calling his name.
Baekhyun remained in bed for another few minutes before finally deciding to stand up and change his clothes so he could start a new day.
Sehun had to go on trips with his job pretty often and stay in different countries for days or even weeks. Since he woke up from his coma, Sehun never left for more than two or three days so not having him around for more than that will be weird, but also sad, he thought. He always felt bad for him and Luhan, not giving them enough intimacy since he was always at home. Sure, they had their dates, planned by Baekhyun who actually begged them to leave the house and take some time for themselves and they shared the same bedroom but it's not like they could do so much. So two weeks away from each other will be hard for both of them.
Luhan always worked from home, sometimes until late in the morning, giving calls or being on his laptop, almost never leaving the house for things that are work-related. Then, while Sehun was most of the time out of their apartment, at work. Sometimes he was leaving before the sunrise and came back by midnight, rarely having a free day.
That reminded Baekhyun, he doesn't remember their jobs. He has no idea what are they doing for a living, cause they never mentioned or tried to make him remember. Weird, he thought but then he decided he'll just ask Luhan later, once Sehun is gone. This way, they will also have something to talk about.
An hour later, the three men were at the door, saying their goodbyes.
Sehun kissed Luhan's lips once, twice, even thrice then gave him another round of smooches on his entire face before the time of pampering Baekhyun came. He simply kissed the top of his head and pinched his cheeks, making the boy laugh. "Take care, you two, alright? I will be back soon." He says, wrapping his arms around both of them for a tight hug, something that all of them loved equally. They stayed like this for a few moments, until Sehun's phone startled the youngers, making them step back so he can check the device. It was just his alarm, he announced before grabbing his suitcase. "You", he starts, pointing towards Baekhyun. "Take your meds. And you", he immediately turns to Luhan, opening his mouth to say something but stopped before any word would come out. "You already know what to do."
It made Baekhyun frows and Luhan to simply nod, kissing his husband one last time.
"Have a safe flight, don't forget to call, alright?" He says, holding him tight even if the man was supposed to be in the car already. Luhan just couldn't let him go.
"I will call you every day, I promise. Now go back inside, you're on your socks." The man says with the last kiss as they stay in front of the elevator at the end of the hallway, away from the door of their apartment. Baekhyun was looking at them from the doorway. "You stay safe here, okay? Try to focus these weeks, it's important." He whispered before getting inside the elevator, taking his suitcase with him. "Oh Luhan, I love you." He finally says, showing the smaller a smile that made him chuckle.
"I love you, too, Oh Sehun. Take care or I'll cut your balls when you come back." He jokes before the doors of the elevator would close, leaving both of them laughing. But they both knew that the laugh, in both cases, will be followed by a long, sad sigh.
Later that day, Luhan and Baekhyun were having their late lunch in the living room, watching a comedy on the big screen while lazily munching on their pizza and sweet drinks. They didn't do much since Sehun left, only moved around the house to clean it or talk about small things like the weather or Baekhyun's next visit at the hospital that's supposed to be in less than a week.
It's been two weeks since Baekhyun's birthday party and he realizes he misses his friends so, he asks Luhan in between the lines of the movie if they can go out together sometimes. Sadly, Luhan announced to him that they are always busy with work but he will try to text them. That, however, even if it wasn't the answer he wanted, it reminded himself about the question he wanted to ask earlier.
"Luhan?" he started, his eyes still locked on the screen while the other man was coming back from the kitchen, humming as a response.
"What is your job?" he asked, turning his head to look at him.
Luhan could only laugh shortly, taking a sip of his can of coke. "Taking care of you, duh. You never wondered how you're still alive?"
It made both of them laugh loudly, the moment when Luhan actually gives Baekhyun the pills he's supposed to take at that hour. "I know but", and he stops, to drink the soda so he can swallow them before continuing. "I don't give you money. What is the job that gives you money? You know, the one that makes you work on that laptop all the time? You never told me." He softly laughs. "Same for Sehun. What's his job?"
While Baekhyun was still chuckling, thinking that it's funny how they never talked about this, Luhan could only feel his mouth run dry, making him cough.
Another one. More HunHan content for you guys.
Are you excited for Suho and his solo? I can't wait, I am so proud of him!!

CHAOS | Chanbaek +18
FanficChaos is an angel who fell in love with a demon. "He has these big, black eyes that made me feel like I was drowning in hell's flames...until I realized that I was the Devil."