Days have passed with no call from Baekhyun's family. No one came to Chanyeol's door to shout, no one texted or called him, no one was looking for Baekhyun and if at first, Chanyeol was just enjoying the calm atmosphere, not asking and just explaining the past over and over again just to get a little closer to the younger, today seems to be different.
Today was the day to mark two weeks of Chanyeol sleeping on the couch. Two weeks of Chanyeol cooking for two at dinner. Two weeks of Chanyeol coming home at the right hour, not a minute or a second later. Two weeks of being with Baekhyun again. Their schedule would be simple: Chanyeol wakes up, he makes a breakfast for Baekhyun that will end up in the bin, will leave for work while Baekhyun is still sleeping and then the petite one would call him anytime he'd remember something from the past, even a second. And he'd keep the man in the phone while he'd check the house not once, but three times every single day, in every little corner, just to remember anything. At 8PM, Chanyeol would finally get home from work and cook dinner for them, the only meal that the younger couldn't throw away because they were eating at the same table. After that, they would either look through some old photos, including copies of the ones he saw so many times at Luhan's house, but with the taller's figure cut, or simply go to sleep separated. Baekhyun took their bedroom, even if the bed was too big even for both of them. He was practically swimming in a sea of soft, immaculate mattresses that would caress his body through the night while Chanyeol would try his best not to break his back on a couch that wouldn't fit his legs and he could only get hour before waking up for work. Their daily routine was so different from the old one, the man thought. Baekhyun wouldn't look for closure anymore. He wouldn't try to sneak into his arms for attention or ask him to come to bed early anymore. No more sweet lullabies, no more angelic chuckles heard around the house. He was like a completely different person and Chanyeol was just about to find this out.
"So?" Baekhyun simply looked up from his plate, not bothering to open his mouth to answer but throw a curios look towards the man on the other side of the table. It was a Sunday, which means they have dinner at an early hour. 6 PM, to be more exact. Their gazes would meet for a second before the smaller would continue to eat from his plate as Chanyeol cleared his throat. "No one called. Why?"
He finally asked.
Baekhyun just continued to eat in silence, looking as he is completely unbothered by the curiosity of the man and somehow, he looked like he wouldn't even give an answer. That, until his voice could be heard, a tone full of confidence, something so common now. "I told you. They know that I'm here. Go and visit them if you want." The sarcasm was a new skill that he developed in coma, the older thought.
"Yes but your brother used to call every two hour before the accident. Why he didn't call in two weeks?" The question made Baekhyun laugh for a second, gesture that he managed to stop immediately but not fast enough since Chanyeol heard him already. "Pardon? Why are we laughing now?"
Baekhyun laughed again when he heard Chanyeol's deep tone, shaking his head lightly before he'd shrug his shoulders. "I don't know." he answered, pushing away his empty plate. "Maybe because you almost killed me so many times in the past and now you almost killed yourself because I was about to die." The pause already made Chanyeo's blood boil inside his veins. "Because of you." The attitude of his fiance that seemed like he just came back from the dead was now the biggest obstacle he had to deal with. Baekhyun was now full of attitude and cold words, bursting like a tornado that throws sharp knives right into his hear every time he'd speak out a fact about his old self. It made Chanyeol feel disgusted about himself, more than he was. But never try too hard on a damage mind, especially went the path of recovery is so long and those hands so strong it could stop your breathing in a second. Baekhyun knew.
He saw Chanyeol's hands getting into fists so many times during those speeches. He knew from the way that small vein on his temple become more prominent that Chanyeol wanted to hit him, to shut him up. But every time their eyes would meet, Baekhyun's gaze remained cold while Chanyeol's eyes were already filled with tears and fear. Sometimes he'd call it regret but after so many days spent together and hearing about their past, he understood that the man was in this world just like a lost kid in the street. Afraid.
And maybe this was the moment when Chanyeol had enough and was about to bring back the old version of the man that destroyed their lives but the sound of the front door opening wide was enough for him to turn his head towards it.
The sound of heels coming closer was making Baekhyun confused, not knowing that the man was expecting any guess. Especially someone with such a high, melodic voice. "Chanyeol, sweetheart? You're ho- Oh my!"
Oh my....
//// Short update just to keep you guys busy. There is more to come.

CHAOS | Chanbaek +18
FanfictionChaos is an angel who fell in love with a demon. "He has these big, black eyes that made me feel like I was drowning in hell's flames...until I realized that I was the Devil."