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It was about two hours later when a knock could be heard. It was past midnight.

Everyone was still at the party that slowly died after Sehun's call ended so sudden. They almost turned off the music but they didn't want to end it so you could still hear the song in the background. Now, instead of men talking loudly or laughing, you could only hear them almost whispering, talking about small things. It was like they didn't want anyone to know they are there, Baekhyun thought. 

After the weird incident, him screaming while Sehun was on the phone, everyone started to panic in a weird, silent way. He was looking at them sharing glares that they could only know what they mean. It was like one of those times back in high school when every group had their own inside jokes and Baekhyun really wanted to know this inside joke between them. And more importantly, why everyone froze up when they heard the knock. 

The seven men turned their heads towards the hallway. Baekhyun scanned the six of them, looking scared, stopping their talks and breathing. But most importantly, he saw the colour on his brother's face disappear, leaving the man pale. The knocks continued and yet, no one moved or offered to open the door. And Baekhyun started to get irritated by the situation that seemed to last ages now. 

He stood up, ready to leave the living room when they could hear the door shooting and the tall, slim figure of a man coming closer.

Baekhyun turned his head in Luhan's direction after looking at the man in front of then. 

Luhan looked like he just saw a ghost. And what Baekhyun didn't know, it's that Luhan only made this face twice in his life, the first one being a few years ago, in a spring day, at a table for four. 

"Am I too late to the party?"

-REALLY SHORT update since I'm preparing something bigger :) 

What do you think? Is he too late to the party?

Also, should I make a list of everyone's age and status or you prefer learning new things about them as the story goes on? Let me know. 

Thank you for the love you give to my work, I really appreciate it. 

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