Chanyeol left the house with a heavy heart, a feeling that he got to know so better in the past few years.
Yes, ever since Baekhyun came back, he started to feel even worse, when in his head, everything was supposed to get better.
And it did. Sometimes. There were moments in their new 'domestic' life when they would fit perfectly like they never did before. When their thoughts would be in sync, when there was no need for words between them.
However, moments like tonight, when they felt like strangers to each other again, started to happen more often, tearing apart the last bit of heart that Chanyeol could recover.
Truth be told, the business dinner would've been a disaster if it wasn't for Sehun to save the whole situation. The older was out of focus, always lost in his thoughts, always checking on his phone, hoping and waiting for a sign. A text, a call. Anything from Baekhyun.
But the sign never came, leaving Chanyeol to sink deeper into his darkest thoughts tonight, feeling his blood starting to boil in his veins and his head throbbing in pain at all the worries and anger running around his head.
"Were you okay in there? What happened?" Sehun asked, standing up from the table once their guests finally left the restaurant.
Meeting his best friend's eyes, or at least the eyes of the man who used to be his best friend, Chanyeol felt the need to throw up. Throw up all the worries and screams that he buried deep inside in the past few weeks.
Yet, he knew that he couldn't do that.
Not when he knew so well the whole story behind Sehun's dark circles and fake smile.
"I'm just exhausted," he lied, trying his best to mirror Sehun's slight smile. Yet, they both failed. "How are things at home?" he asked, finally standing up as well, walking next to the younger outside the luxurious restaurant.
At the question, Sehun stopped for a few moments, not knowing what words to pick or what tone to use. The question cuts his soul like a sharp blade every time he has to lie."Things are...fine. We are fine," he lied as well, hiding his gaze from his friend.
They knew each other so well that there was no need for real explanations. Only the sincere looks in their eyes could tell a truth only they could understand about each other. So when Chanyeol lied about just being exhausted from work, the younger knew that life was testing him again and he is on the verge of giving up. And when Sehun promised that things are fine at home, the CEO knew immediately the pain in Sehun's heart and the hell he was living in between those walls.
A look was enough for them to understand.
They parted ways a few moments later, each of them getting in their car and leaving for their house. Chanyeol didn't dare to start the car without checking on his phone again, hoping that he would finally see Baekyun's name somewhere on his screen. Maybe he should stop hoping for something that might never happen.
When he got home, the villa was still drowned in silence and darkness, a sign that the younger was still out. Chanyeol wasn't surprised, judging by the events he took part in just hours ago, before his meeting.
However, he still hoped that he would find Baekyun at home, waiting for him like he always did in the past, every night when he was out, drunk and wasted between hotel sheets full of sins. He still hoped that he will find Baekyun in front of the door, ready to turn a blind eye to all his mistakes and forgive each of them in the bedroom, washing him away from all his sins.
But Chanyeol got to taste the bitterness of those mistakes only now.
Getting out of the shower, Chanyeol wrapped a towel around his torso, drops of water still dripping from his skin to the floor, leaving marks behind each of his steps. It was around 2 AM when he was laying down in his bed, still waiting for a sign that seemed like it never wanted to appear. That's when he decided to take a shower, hoping that the water will clear his thoughts while he waits.
Now, almost an hour later, the man's thoughts were haunted only by the strange sounds that he was hearing coming from downstairs, making him rush out of his bathroom. Maybe it was the lack of sleep or the few glasses of wine he had earlier, but for some reason, he couldn't realize the source of all this mess of muffled sounds.
Or, better said, his subconscious decided that it would be better to play dumb. And lie to himself, saying that what he is hearing are not drunken chuckles, and definitely not lustful moans coming from the mouth that he adored. A mouth that used to be owned by himself only. Lips that could only part to let his name slip through them in the sweetest, yet most sinful moments of pleasure.
Without even realizing it, he found himself in the dark living room already, standing straight next to the couch, his terrified eyes watching the scene in front of him as if he was living a nightmare: his Baekhyun, all ravished by a complete stranger. Dirty hands holding on to his slim waist, grabbing on his neck or running through his hair. Lips crashed and moulded painfully in kisses so heated that it felt illegal to watch.Everything was pure chaos, as he kept watching the way Baekhyun would throw himself on the other man's lap, hips carelessly rolling and grinding on his thighs while they engage in another suite of shameful kisses and touches.
Chanyeol's vision went blurred, the anger making him see red in front of his eyes and before he knew it, he was already grabbing Baekhyun's petite figure, easily manhandling him as he pulled him away from the other.
"What the fu-!" the younger screamed immediately, startling the man on the couch even more, who was already terrified upon seeing the owner of the house and, from the way his arm would hold so tight on Baekhyun's waist, locking him so close to him, probably the owner of the boy too.
Before he could even say a word, Chanyeol's deep, raging voice filled the whole house, making both Baekhyun and the other male shiver in fear.Feeling this, Chanyeol let go of Baekhyun, locking their eyes together even in the darkness of the room. For some reason, it feels like the divine power wanted this to happen this way, just so Chanyeol's eyes won't do more damage than his words.
"Out of my house. Now!"
|| Hello, hello guys! I hope you enjoyed the last chapter. I had to change this one a few times before finally posting it now, but I hope it was worth it.
Also, sorry for taking so long. The author is busy with uni finals right now.

CHAOS | Chanbaek +18
FanfictionChaos is an angel who fell in love with a demon. "He has these big, black eyes that made me feel like I was drowning in hell's flames...until I realized that I was the Devil."