Chapter 5 part 2

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3rd POV

As the speeder lurched forward, the excitement hiding under the surface of most of the teens bubbled to the surface in many forms. some bounced their knee, others glanced around as fast as they could, as if trying to burn the sight of the lab and portal into their memory's. No matter what they did, their eagerness and anticipation for the event to come was obvious, though some tried to hide it, these attempts to hide it failed under the watchful eyes of team phantom.

Danny honestly couldn't blame them. Even under the stressful circumstances, with his parents marriage seemingly hanging in the balance, he remembered feeling the same way before he made his first plunge into the zone. The mixed expectations, the fear, the anticipation, he could still remember it all like he had made that first plunge oh so long ago yesterday.

As the new vehicle that his parents hadn't felt the need to share the name of, most likely because it's called the Soaring Phantom and not the Soaring Fenton, slowly drifted into the portal made to view a world unseen the anxiety that had held Danny's heart like a Fenton Thermos returned with a vengeance, the countless horrible endings this foolish fieldtrip could have flashing through his mind. Luckily about half of those were eliminated by the presence of himself and the rest of team phantom, but half of infinity is still infinite, and of those infinite worse case scenarios, hardly any ended with all of his many secrets intact.

The portal stretched and bent around the ship, pulling it and fighting with Maddie for control. As the ship got a little more then three forths the way in the portal snapped around the back of the ship, sending it surging forward in a slow spin now that there wasn't any resistance holding it back. Danny had to hand it to her, Maddie was more then capable of wrestling back control in a timely manner, though she didn't know that this could have been avoided if she had gone through the portal faster or intangible, though that latter isn't really an option.

As everyone recovered from the rough entry, they finally got the chance to see the ghost zone for themselves, and they all decided that this trip was so worth it. the endless spirals of brilliant and bright green, mixed beautifully with the darker shades, nether overpowering the other, like it was the work of a master painter painting for a thousand years. It was truly a wonderful and awe inspiring sight to see, and even though they had seen it a dozen times over, it was still more then enough to mesmerize team phantom and Valerie.

The ship rested there in empty space for, to the occupants, an eternity that ended to soon, before slowly pulling forward once again, into the unknown danger and unseen beauty that awaited its occupants.

Danny Fenton's field-trip to despairWhere stories live. Discover now