The Betrayer and the Loyals (prologue)

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Clarke is playing chess with her best friends. Will, Harry and Lily. But if call Lily that your dead. Just call her Apollo. She can't stop thinking at what her dad is going to do. Betray the Council to warn everyone on the Ark  the truth. He'll be floated. Just like Apollo's and Harry's parents. Apollo wasn't supposed to be born. A lot of people in Hogwarts weren't supposed to be born with twin but they just were and considering how small Hogwarts was it was okay. One hundred and one people was a very small number compared to other sectors.

Clarke worries what will happen when the Council finds out they weren't runing on Council supplies for a 11 years and were making their own. The Council will make them share it of course.  Then demand how much supplies they had to last. They'll shocked to find that the suppliers they had was to last at least 100 years for one hundred thousand people. That was three and a half quarters of the Ark's population. Then the fact that Council supplies are just there waiting to used by someone.  That would save 500 extra years. Clarke is silent in her thought. If the Council knew then the Ark won't die in a year but Hogwarts will. Well the caretaker, Albus will. "Clarke?! Are you awake in there? Is something wrong?" Apollo says softly in her ears. Clarke gives her a simple stare. "Nothing." Clarke says. Apollo frowns. Apollo grabs Harry, Will and her and drags her deep into the Hogwarts sector. She walks through the rows of classrooms being used by the older kids to teach the younger kids. Mostly Prefects, head boys, head girls, Bill Weasley and Charlie Weasley. To find a small room that Apollo chills in a lot. Her secret little reading room. The Rooms of Requirement. Albus made sure everyone has a space of privacy. They had their bedrooms but that wasn't enough for Albus. So everyone had a little nook. Four little chairs for everyone. Will stares in shock, "Apollo you had this little room besides your bedroom all to yourself?!". This was obviously completely against his father's rules. "Yes but I only read or make things in here.", Apollo laughs at his shock. "Okay Clarke we're in a safe place to talk about secrets.", Apollo says warmly. She was right besides a few master pieces of hers there was nothing not a single book in sight. It was the same for her bedroom. The only thing that Clarke and Will saw on everyone in Hogwarts is a small box necklace having their names engraved on it.  Clarke always had a thought crawl in her head but it was too crazy. Everyone in Hogwarts has an animal that was shown through force of the Council that it always protected them.  Apollo's animal was a black wolf named Nix. Harry's was a snowy owl named Hedwig. Even their other friends has an animal. Clarke decides her choice and tells them everything. Will is silent before declaring it, "I swear to never say a word about this to anyone else without you wanting to tell them.". Harry is silent before he says the wrong thing at the wrong time. "Clarke, I'm solemnly swear on my life and magic I won't tell a single living soul besides the people in this very room.", Harry says as a golden light shots out of Harry tying a bond on all their left arms. Harry made an Unbreakable Vow and everyone in here was included to keep their mouths shut unless the person they were speaking too knew. "Harry!!! We aren't supposed to do magic with outsiders! Albus will kill you!!", Apollo screams her eyes glowing a bright galaxy. "Do what?!", Will demands. Apollo and Harry turn pale. They were silent but Apollo was done keeping secrets. But she needed to test them. To see if they were indeed magical. She pulls out two wands she made herself. To them the wands were sticks. She hands one to each of them. "Think of your happiest memory you ever had and said Expecto Patrnous!" Apollo says softly. Will and Clarke were 16 and 3/4s until their birthdays. It was no shock when two silvery lions fly out. Everyone is shocked. Will is silent but answers, "We just did magic didn't we? And guys. Hogwarts has been doing magic in secret behind my father and the Council the entire time?". Apollo nods laughing hard, "Yup but that isn't even the start! You have no idea how such a bright day this is!". Will and Clarke are silent. There was a knock on the door. Apollo opens to see Albus with a large smile. He wears regal purple robes and a small hat with his glasses. His silvery beard hanging up high in pride. "Apollo you found two muggle born Mages!" He says chuckling as Apollo let's him in with a wide smile. Will is silent just processing. I'm a mage! So is Clarke! Her father is planing to go against the Council so we can survive but we could if Hogwarts gives up it's reserves. Wait what if those reserves were gone that would make sense. I asked Apollo and she looked at the floor with despair! Clarke is silent. She processed it then asks Albus, "Albus I trust you the Ark is dying. Are the reserves here still useable for the Ark not to die.". Albus let's a tear slip down. "I'm sorry the reserves have been emptied. It has happened because a child of mine accidentally transformed into her animagus form that realsed a deadly gas. To save my students and the gas from leaking to the main central Ark sectors I had to lockdown Hogwarts and emptied our reserves. I'm sorry.", Albus says with his voice cracking. Clarke could tell it was the truth. Will too. Reserves out of the equation. The fact was getting very real. Everyone is going to die in a year. Albus explains everything about the society and culture of Hogwarts softly. They silently listened. Albus took them out and head to the trading area. You could see many children there but they trading things with one another. You could see the trading post stalls everywhere here. Then they reached a center stall. Apollo's Mage Supermarkets. Apollo pops up her fingers tapping excitedly. "Apollo! What are you doing here!", Clarke says shocked. "Hmm, this is the one place where people trade their priceless objects or magical materials besides that we gave all of our stuff on us at all times. Dumbledore made me the keeper of his things. So the things he and I want to trade on the market here. Most firsties visit me here. I'm really happy you guys are here. There were no more first timers after me and Harry with a few others were introduced into the world of magic. I was 11.", says the fourth-teen year old Apollo. Clarke nods. "Alright let's see. Healer Storage necklace, Alchemist storage necklace, traditional computer bracelets, wands, healing books, healing materials arts of fire bending and water bending books, animagus books, rune books, ward books, basic to mastery class books for Hogwarts standard classes, D.A.D.A books, Arts of weaponry, A few weapons, potion books and materials, Phoenix Breed books, Earth Lion books, alchemy books, wards, Herbology books and plants seeds, magical creature books, and earth bending books. That should fill the minds of these two. With robes for all occasions? Wait I'm forgetting familiars and art supplies with sketch books, I'm correct right?" Apollo says staring at Albus, Clarke and Will with determination. Clarke started thinking yeah I could see myself as a doctor or healer. Just like my mother but also I need to learn how to defend myself.
Will is silent but that seems like him learning a lot about the Earth they could just might live on.
Albus nods. Apollo begins explaining the workings of the storage necklaces and the computer bracelet. Clarke was shocked how easy they hidden their culture through these two items. Clarke accepted their new rules rather quickly with Will. Always have my stuff in my necklace. Never take off your necklace or bracelet. Never give it to the Council. Keep your magic a secret, it doesn't show on cameras.
Apollo with everyone checks their bracelets before packing everything up and heading off to classes. Apollo waves goodbye as they had classes with Albus.

For the following weeks, Clarke and Will mastered a ton of things. Especially alchemy and the ways of a healer. Albus taught them everything he knew on the subjects they learned with him. They were happy to have graduated their schooling in the end of the few weeks with master degrees. Everything was alright besides the constant fear of the Ark dying. Then everything came crashing down. Abby walls into the Council doors, Will oversees so he could learn how to take his father's place as Chancellor. Her face is covered in sweat but she pants it out, "My husband has betrayed me and he going to betray you by revealing what he discovered. He thinks what he is doing is right. I tried. Nothing worked.". Will is silent. If Clarke knew that her mother did this she would be so heart broken. He couldn't allow it. Clarke, he'll miss you but he has to lie for you. "Are there already others who know?" Chancellor Jaha says softly. "Clarke, Harry James Potter and his twin Lily Apollo Potter are the others that know besides my husband.", Abby says croaking. Jaha breaths in slowly. "I'll send the guard to capture them for I don't know who they may tell. They must be in solitary confinement. They will be let go with the rest of their family when the updates on the drop ship are finished. Then we can send the 200 chosen candidates for Earth and buy us time. If Albus knows then we're in a whole mess. We might have to float him. I seriously don't want to float a father of 100 hundred children.", Jaha says softly. The guards head off. Three children were captured and felt betrayal from their friend Will.

Three days later.

Clarke walks forward to her father before he vanishes forever. "I promise to be something they'll never expect coming.", She whispers before she watches him float away into space only to die. Will sheds a tear but she doesn't see it. She was dragged back to her cell next to Harry's and Apollo's cells.

Apollo silently thinks to her twin.

Apollo you answered! It's so lonely here with only Hedwig!

I think Clarke's dad was floated today. I sensed death flying in the beautiful star like space.

Will. Why did he betray us! How did he do it?!

He didn't. I could tell in his voice. He lied. Abby betrayed her daughter and us.

Her own flesh but why would she do that!

She feel like there was no other way to "save" her loved ones.

That didn't save us. That just made Clarke mourn for her father and hurt someone who is innocent.

I know all we can do is wait. Also tell everyone to move their bracelet to their ankle for 3 months.


We are the supposed nest fit survivors for the ground with the prisoners of youth in these cells.

We're going to see the ground!! Yay!
The trees! The grass! The sun! I can barely wait!

I know I can barely wait too but now warm everyone! I'm a little bit weak from the sense of death traveling pass us.

Of course my seer sister. I wonder.

What do you wonder?

Will all the Ark's people see the ground?

That is something we can only hope.

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