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(Sapnap's P.O.v.)

I fall to my knees after Dream naruto runs out of my house. N...No... what have I done?!
I shouldn't have even told him! I'm such an idiot!!
Now my Dreamy is gone... forever....

I cry quietly and cover my face.
"George... get out." I say through gritted teeth.
He's so dumb! Why did I even frick him!
"George, GET OUT!!" I scream very loudly, and I think he gets the message because he begins crying like a little bitch and runs out the door.

I sit there, letting the tears roll down my cheeks.

I've ruined everything...
Dream is gone... because of me..

(Dreams P.O.V.)

As I run in the streets, I hear a car honk behind me. Immediately I run to the sidewalk.
Geez I almost got hit by a car!

I then start to walk slowly, hanging my head low.
Sapnap seriously cheated on me... with George of all people?
Fucking... GEORGE?!
I'll kill that asshole! I'll kill him to death!

My face burns from how angry I am.
They fricked, and Sappy has the nerve to tell me he still loves me!

B-But... they were drunk...

No! It's still wrong! He knew better!!
He... knew better...

I start crying and stand there, looking down.
The cold wind blows my hair in the wind as the tears keep coming. I keep sobbing.
"Sapnap!! Whyyyy!!!" I scream, and I get a few looks from people walking by.
I don't even care though. They don't know what I just went through!

Suddenly, someone runs into me, causing us both to fall over.
I look behind me, shocked to see who it is.

"Fuck you, George!"  I yell, and he sniffles.
"Sapnap is a dick! I hate him, Dream, I only did it because I was horny!" George cries.
Pfft, he thinks I'm gonna feel BAD for him?!
I scowl and get up off of the ground.
I spit on his face.
....not in a weird way.

"UGH! Dream, you will never listen!!"
"You stole my man! He was my cinnamon apple!! I loved him to death and you just fricked him like it was nothing! Yeah right you were just 'horny'!"

George looks up at me with puppy dog eyes.
He looks cute kind of but I still hate him!

"Dream... he's not even good at fricking!"
My eyes widen.

What...? He's not good at fricking?
But how?!

"George, wHAT?!"
He gets up and walks towards me a lil.
"I felt... nothing." He whispers.
I growl at him and clench my fists.
"Well—I don't care if he's got a small dingaling, I still love him!"
George smiles suddenly. The hell?
"That's so cute! Dream, he only fricked me because you wanna wait until marriage and that's just stOoPid. So neither of us enjoyed it that much. At least I didn't."

I sigh and look down.

Maybe he still does love me...
Maybe Georgie is right.

I look at him again.
"I still hate you. You know that right"
George giggles.
"I know. I hate you too, Dream."
We both smile at each other as strange as it is.

George, maybe you're not so bad...
No, you're awful. I hate you.

Just friends? // George x Dream x SapnapWhere stories live. Discover now