Not his true love...?

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(Dream's P.O.V.)

I sprint outside because of the loud shots, and am shocked by what I see...
Is that.. BADBOYHALO?!

Sapnap cries on the floor, curling into a ball. I run to his side and pant heavily.
"What—What HAPPENED?!!" I ask
"They killed Bad! They just...killed him!" Sapnap cries

I look up to see who the hell could have killed bad.
Then I see someone in a doctors uniform holding a glock

"HEY YOU!! DID YOU KILL MY FRIEND?!" I ask the guy. He walks up to me, holding the gun to my head.
"Your 'friend' was a criminal, and so are you. I'll kill each and every single one of you" He growls like a demon
I breath super heavily because I'm so nervous
"But, Bad didn't even do anything! And you just SHOT HIM?!"

Sapnap keeps sobbing, and stands up.
"I'm gonna go protect George! Please don't die Dream!" He says before running inside.

The doctor chuckles.
"Actually, He did. After you guys left, we tried to ask him what happened, but he called us all muffins."

I furrow my brows.
"You shot him because he called you a muffin?"
The guy facepalms.
"NO. We shot him because he was helping you guys escape."

I cross my arms and glare at this idiot
"Actually, I'M the one who stole the car, and I'M the one who came up with the escape plan. Bad did literally nothing"

Haha! He must feel so dumb rn

Then he tries to shoot me in the head but I dodge it epically.
"GRR! I'LL KILL YOU TOO TRUST ME!" The man screams. I yank the gun out of his hand and hold it to his head.

He rolls his eyes.
"Ughh... why is it always so hard to murder people?"

My eyes widen at what he says.
"Nothing! Haha, I didn't say anything!!" He chuckles nervously and starts sweating

"So you're a criminal too! I'm gonna shoot you right NOW! This is for bad!"

But as I'm about to shoot him, he gets shot in the head by someone ELSE. WhAt the hell, I wanted to kill him!
I gasp when I see Skeppy holding a huge rifle in his hands.

"That was for BAD!" He yells.

What—When did skeppy get here?!
I naruto run up to skeppy and stare at him in shock.

"How—How did you know we were here?" I ask, extremely confused.
Skeppy sniffles and throws his rifle on the ground. He then flails his arms around like a 2 year old having a tantrum

Oh, I probably should've just left him alone considering his bestie just literally got murdered
"Well uh... sorry about this." I mumble, and Skeppy suddenly punches me hard in the face. Ow wtf!

"YOU GOT HIM KILLED U JERK! DIDNT YOU?! THIS WAS ALL YOUR STUPID FAULT!" Skeppy sounds very not intimidating because his voice keeps cracking.
"No... Well, sort of but he should've told the people that he had nothing to do with us! Then he would've lived or something!" I try to convince skeppy that I didn't get bad killed even though I basically did

Skeppy runs right past me even though I expect him to punch me again. Where is he going?
Then I look at him to see him crying next to Bads dead body.
I get a little emotional myself and feel a wet tear fall from my cheek

Suddenly Sapnap and George walk out, and George screams super loudly.
I run up to George and cover his mouth.
"Shut up, idiot, if someone hears then they'll think we killed these two!" I whisper yell to George.
George starts to hyperventilate and Sapnap pats his head while shushing him

Just then, Sapnap sees skeppy and gasps.
"Skeppy! You want bad to come back to life?" He asks. Skeppy looks up and glares at him really scarily.

Sapnap runs over to him, smiling. Wtf is wrong with Sapnap??
"All you gotta do is get his true love to kiss him! Trust me—one time George punched me SO hard in the balls that he killed me, but then he kissed me and I came back to life!"

I gasp loudly.
"George... KISSED you?!"
I then look at George but he's still having like a panic attack so I don't care
"Dream we literally fricked and you know that" Sapnap replies

Oh yeahhh.... haha forgot.

Skeppy looks at us like we are insane.
"Skeppy I'm telling you, it works. We just need to find out who his true love is" Sappy says to him
Skeppy sniffles and looks at Badboyhalo
"I can... bring him to life..?"

Skeppy's voice breaks my skephalo heart! I sort of watch ship videos of them on the weekends. Either that or I'm watching Ru Paul's Drag Race. Some times I make ship videos too, but we don't talk about those times...
Anyways, i should probably shut up and focus on saving Bad.

"Well, maybe you should try and kiss him skeppy" I say, secretly pulling out my camera to film it
"But I'm not his true love, that's—that's weird!"
"Wow... you really don't care about him that much?" Sapnap asks, then shaking his head disappointingly. I also do that because I wanted my skephalo moment

"Uhh... uh.. NO! I care about him!" Skeppy starts to sweat nervously
"Then just kiss him!" I yell,getting impatient.

Skeppy finally kisses Badboyhalo and magically cherry blossom petals start to fall from the sky. Omg it's perfect for my skephalo moments part 69!
Sapnap looks around, confused
"What—cherry blossoms?? But it's not even—"
"—Shut up Sappy, just enjoy this beautiful moment!" I interrupt him

Then skeppy pulls away from the kiss and he blushes a lot like an anime girl.
"Why isn't he wAKING UP!" Skeppy whines.
"You have to wait just a second. Don't worry" Sapnap pats his head

We all stand there, waiting for something to happen.
...Oh, except George. He fainted or something.

"Why... Why isn't it working!!" Skeppy cries, hugging Bads lifeless body
Sapnap looks at me, making a nervous face.
I put my camera away, and stare at the two gay lovers... well, one of em's dead.

It can't be....
Does bad have a different true love?

Just friends? // George x Dream x SapnapWhere stories live. Discover now