Chicken fingers and fries (i want mcdonalds)

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(Dream's P.O.V.)

I get very VERY nervous as George stares at me in shock. I start to sweat a lil bit.
"Uhhh... Uh..." He also starts to sweat because I can actually smell it which is pretty gross but I don't really care about that rn.
"George, please. I'm like, actually in love with you. So. Yeah."
He blushes like a kawaii desu anime girl.

"DrEam! Why are you in love with me, though!" He shrieks. I chuckle a little.
"Well, I don't really know. I mean you're really annoying and stupid so I don't know why I like you I just do."
"I-I thought you still liked that idiot Sapnap!"
I stop smiling very quickly.

Oh... I forgot about Sapnap.

"Sapnap...? N-No. I think I lost... my feelings for him."
George looks all confused again.
"Wh—?? Dream, I don't know what to say! It's not like I like you back because you're annoying too, but I don't HATE you. Well, I sort of hate you but not that much!"
My lip quivers as tears fill my eyeballs.
"G-George... How COULD you!"
"What!! I'm telling you the truth, okay!"

I look down trying my best not to cry.
"How can you be so CRUEL!?" I shout, and he sniffles.
"Don't yell at me, idiot!" He sounds very sad but annoying at the same time.
"Then just accept my love George!" I yell back.

I look at him and a tear falls down his cheek.
"So, you don't even like Sapnap anymore..?"
I nod.
"Yes, I hate him actually. He's so dumb!"
George laughs a little at this.
"Yeah you're right. He's so stupid, and his dingaling is SO small."
I wheeze.
"My dingaling is probably wAy bigger than his. tbh."

George goes silent and blushes.
"Wait really?"
I also blush. Omg George!!!
"I-I mean yeah. It's like, obvious."
Georgie suddenly smirks. I get a lil nervous.
"Prove it."
I turn literally pure red which is probably not normal but yeah.

Are me and George gonna frick...?
B-But no! We can't, we aren't even married!!

"George, you know what I told Sapnap. No kissing or fricking before marriage!"
George groans and he looks very annoyed.
"Then whats even the point! You're so stUpid!"
I smack George on his thigh not to be weird but because he was being annoying.
He kind of took it the wrong way though because he smacked me right in my face.
"dReEAm!!" He shrieks.

"What! I just hit you!"
"Yeah, on my tHiGh!"
"Whatever, I wasn't trying to be weird!"

We sit there in silence and it is very awkward.

Suddenly, George frowns at me.
"Why do you even care if we're married before we frick."
I roll my eyes and groan loudly.
"UggHhh!!! George, you're such an idiottt!! It's because we must be married, it's weird if we aren't!"
"Well fine. I don't even want to anyways."


Then I leap on top of George because I cannot hold back any longer. I grab his chin and kiss him hard. He blushes very a lot.
Then he pushes me away and makes a confused face.
"What the hell! You just—You just said—!"
"—Shut up, George! You know I secretly wanted to!"

We stare at each other and both of our faces are actually red.

Then we kiss again. Haha I don't even care about that marriage thing anymore,
But as we are kissing I remember what me and Sapnap had.
He was my cinnamon apple but...
George CAN get it! He was definitely right!
And besides, I need to forget about him already.

Then George pull away from the kiss and smiles.
"Wanna frick?" He asks. I nod.

Just friends? // George x Dream x SapnapWhere stories live. Discover now