George snaps back...

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(Sapnap's P.O.V.)

So I get back to George's house and I yeet the huge ass muffin at Skeppy's face.
It hits him REAL hard and he dies.
"What the HELL, Sapnap!!" Dream yells at me. I look down.
"Sorry, I thought he was gonna catch it..."

Dream rolls his eyes, very so annoyed with me
"Now we have 3 people to save!!" He sounds super mad.
I look at George.
"George died, too?" I ask. Dream laughs a bit
"Uh.. yeah, I accidentally killed him by punching him in the balls."
I shake my head.
"Dream, you can be really stupid sometimes"

Dream slaps me in the face and then points at Skeppy's body.
I laugh. Yeah, I guess I am pretty stupid too.

"Well, whatever. Let's just save them already" Dream says, and grabs the big muffin.
I smile and cross my arms.
"Hey guess how much that muffin cost" I say.

Dream stares at the muffin and all it's beauty.
"Wow this is a sexy muffin! Probably... a million dollars?"

Dream is such an idiot! No muffin costs that much,

"Actually.. yeah. It did." I lie because I want Dream to think I am cool and that I have even more money than I actually do.
He then licks the muffin, and I make a disgusted face
"EWW Dream!" I gag.

He laughs a little
"Sorry I couldn't resist"

I walk up to Bads body.
"So... how should we do this?" Dream asks.
"Maybe we can make him kiss it. Like, we'll just put it up to his mouth or something"
Dream wheezes.
"That sounds weird"
"Dream!" I gag again.

"Uhh.. well I'm just gonna throw it at him." He says. Although his idea sounds very stupid, it might work!
"Okay go for it"

So Dream throws the muffin right at Bads head and I hold back my laughter. Dream wheezes again.
Suddenly, Bad GOBBLES up the ENTIRE muffin! What the!!

Me and Dream gasp super loud, and bad stands up like nothing even happened.
"That was a tasty muffin!" He says with a big smile
Dream looks at me and shrugs.
"I guess it worked. You should go save George now,"

I skip over to George's body and kneel down, kissing him quickly because I hate to kiss George.
He sits up quickly and smacks me on the cheek.
"OWW, George!! What the heck!" I cry.
George gets up and backs away from me making a disgusted face
"Ew!" He says annoyingly.

Dream walks up to George and hugs him
"Georgie I was so worried for you because I accidentally murdered you!"
George pushes Dream away.
"You're an idiot."

Then I look at Bad again, who is skipping around happily.
I smile and join him. We both giggle.

(George's P.O.V.)

I point at Sapnap and Bad, laughing
"Look at those idiots" I say to Dream. He wheezes.
But then I see something from the corner of my eye. I look down, and I see Skeppy lying DEAD on the ground!!

"OH MY GOD!!" I scream, and Dream also screams.
"George you scared me to death!" He yells.

Sapnap and Bad stop skipping, and we all look at Skeppy's body.
"Oh... about that.." Sapnap says.
Bad runs up to Skeppy and looks very shocked
"Skeppy, you muffin! How did you die??"

Dream also walks up to Skeppy.
"Hmm... So we know George's true love is Sapnap, and we know Bad's true love is a muffin.. But who is Skeppy's true love?" He asks.
I get very confused
"Wha— How did he even DIE in the first place!!" I ask.

"Um.. I accidentally killed him by throwing a big muffin at his face that we used to save Bad with." Sapnap says
I face palm super hard.

"Guys, who is Skeppy's true love?" Dream asks us.
"I don't know!! I'm not part of this!" I whine, and fall to my knees crying.

They all stare at me, confused.
I cover my face and sob.
"Don't look at me, I'm hideous!"

"Uh... George? Why are you crying?" Dream asks.
"You're an idiot, Dream! Everyone is DYING and I hate it!! Plus, we're all probably wanted criminals now, and we don't even know how to save Skeppy!" I scream at him.
Sapnap starts to cry too all of a sudden
"Don't yell, George, you're scary!" He sniffles like a little baby.

"Ok, everyone! Just calmmm downnnn" Badboyhalo gets in between us and breaks us apart.
I stand up again and run up to Dream, punching him in the dick. He punches me back right in my face.
"Go away GEORGE!"
"No, I hate you, DREAM!"

We then start to smack each other back and forth.
"Idiot!" I yell.
"You're gay!" He yells back. I get confused at this because he literally loves me AND sapanp
"Uh... Your moms gay!" I say because I can't think of any other comeback.

"MUFFINS! STOOPPPP" Bad screams in a very demonic voice. I screech because he scares me.
"Haha tell em Bad!" Stupid Sapnap laughs
"Shut op you're not even part of this" I spit on Sapnap.
He wipes the spit off of his face and naruto runs to me. He then body slams me onto the floor.

"I SAID STOP!" Bad yells again but nobody listens lol
"Woah Sapnappy that was impressive" Dream says. I start to cry because the pain gets to me
"Pussy George! You're a puss!" Sapnap chuckles.

But I collect myself, and stand up.
I puff my chest out and clench my fists getting really super very so mad at them
"I..." I start, building up the courage. They stand there staring at me.

"I AM SICK OF YOU TWO IDIOTS GANGING UP ON ME! IM NOT A PUSSY, IM NOT A TWINK, AND IM NOT. A FUCKING. LOSER!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs making all the windows to my house shatter.

Everything goes quiet after that. Badboyhalo and Dream look shocked, but Snapmap looks like he's on the verge of tears
"CRY! CRY YOU STUPID SAPNAP!! SEE HOW I FEEL!!" I yell at him. He sniffles.
"I-I'm sowwy, Gorg..." He mumbles very sadly

"George..." Dream says. I growl at him like a demon from hell
"I'm sorry for always ganging up on you.. I just think it's really funny when you get mad and sad. But now I realize how much of an asshole I am. Sapnap, too. But I am really sorry, George. Seriously."

Me, Sapanp, and even Bad start sobbing after Dreams speech.
"So beautiful!" Sapnap cries.
"Dream, that was the best apology I've ever heard!" Bad also cries.
"I accept! I accept your apology!!" I hug Dream super tight and I think I almost suffocate him but I let go before I do.

He smiles and does a thumbs up.
"Thanks for reading this chapter guys! If you wanna see me and George frick, then subscribe! It's free, and you can always unsubscribe later!"

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