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Me and Andromeda had been constantly writing back and forth and it made me so happy so have her back in my life. I generally wanted to grow up with her and see where our lives took us, maybe we would be ministry workers together and stay best friends forever. Anyways as I was packing I could only think that I hadn't hit her a birthday present and she had given me loads of sweets. I generally forgot probably because we made up after our birthdays which were both in June but when we weren't talking she had put a box on my bed with loads of different sweets in it for me and I wasn't aware who had given it to me until we made up and she told me. So they called for shopping, something only my mother was good at in this house. I called up a house elf and told him to inform her of what I needed and soon she appeared at my door. Her black and icy blonde hair waved around as she slightly just stuck her head in my room and asked if I was ready to go.

We made our way to London and looked around all the shops trying to find anything that would even be acceptable to Meda. Despite us being wealthy in the Magic world she was in both. She knew all the best brands in the Muggle world and I knew her favourite which is where we were headed. It was called Louis Vuitton and we had to go into a separate shop called Harrods to access the expensive Muggle brands. As we looked around my mother called me over and pointed at a beautiful watch. A watch that looked very expensive. We talked with the shopkeeper to buy it yet something in the corner of my eye had sparked my interest. It was a beautiful pearl necklace that would look stunning with Andromeda's dark complexion. I quickly forgot about the watch and asked how much it was. As we left the shop I couldn't help but talk to mum about how excited I was for summer. She knew how me and Meda had bonded over our similarities very quickly and now that she was a pureblood even my father approves of her. They knew she made me happy and in the end that's what they wanted despite their harsh rules and values.

As soon as we got back up I yelled for a house elf so he could grab all my bags for me and me and mother made our way over by floo network. We stood in her entrance room I guess you would call it, I wasn't sure because she had so many rooms that all did the same thing. But as we stood there I soon stumbled back quickly and lost my breath as I felt something hug onto me. "Best summer ever" was all I heard as I continued to get strangled by the girl. "Hello to you too." She said hello to my mother and eventually her parents made themselves appear and started small parents conversation which is when we left to put my things away in the room I took up for the past 2 years.  Andromeda ran me through our plan for the day which consisted of; going to her favourite café for food, maybe some shopping after, taking a walk around the area which is really pretty, and getting back in time to watch the sunset while we swam outside. Now her house was quite high up on a hill and in the summer the sun set was right in front of the house and in front of the pool, it was a once in a lifetime view that she got to see so many times, it was truly stunning.

Eventually my mum left and we were all alone for summer with her parents going away to America to do some work. We made our way outside to the car and we drove to the café she always talked about and I had to say I was impressed. It was rustic and small nothing fancy, ut was almost like a Muggle version of the magic world. We sat down and looked through the menu eventually picking some things out and ordering them. Afterwards she quickly gave up on the idea of taking a walk and decided to just go shopping. She took me around and I honestly couldn't say anything bad about it. I thoroughly enjoyed shopping. I never had much of an interest to it but I found so many suits and jewellery I liked. I found an interest in Gucci, Balmain and Louis Vuitton. Andromeda spent a lot of time laughing at me because I couldn't pick between two black suits. After our shopping we went back home.

After dinner we ran to our rooms and went to put in our bathing suits and agreed to meet at the pool. I walked out first and obviously Meda wasn't ready like usual, she simply had to many things. I went down to the pool and dove in looking at the sun slowly dropping lower over the horizon. I heard splashing behind me and turned to see Meda in a black swimsuit that looked stunning on her dark complexion. She also wore the necklace I had given her last year. As she leaned onto the pools side next to me to stare at the sun I guess I realised that maybe I had never considered the small problem with being friends with her. The fact that I could so very easily catch feelings for how beautiful she was; inside and out.

I think 13 is a good age to start exploring their feelings as obviosuly puberty did Draco some good in the 3rd movie.

I think 13 is a good age to start exploring their feelings as obviosuly puberty did Draco some good in the 3rd movie

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Let's ignore her face and put a 13 year old on it yah feel me. Also I've decided Andromeda is gonna be the opposite to Draco completely dark brown hair, dark eyes, and tan.

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