Filler chapter( yes I know I have the most creative titles on Wattpad)

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Kageyama lay with Hinata, his arm gingerly draping over the small boy. His gasping sobs had turned slowly into silent tears and then as the boy relaxed further into Kageyama he stopped crying altogether and finally fell asleep. Kageyama stayed up well past Hinata still trying to calm his own heart. Hinata had been through so much he deserved to be happy. Kageyama vowed that he would make Hinata happy, in any way he could. The raven-haired boy finally drifted off into a fitful sleep filled with nightmares.

"Kageyama..!?" the raven-haired boy started awake gasping for air and struggling against the sheets. He quieted and relaxed as he finally realized where he was. he took a deep breath focusing on Hinata's face. "sorry..... I didn't mean to wake you" Hinata sighed, "of course, you'd say that," he said huffing out a small laugh. Kageyama thought it was cute. Hinata's expression hardened into worry "are you alright" Kageyama took in a deep breath. "I am now" Kageyama breathes and Hinata flopped down next to him in bed. " you want to tell me what you dreamed about?" Hinata whispered just barely enough for him to hear " I lost you" Hinata pressed his forehead into Kageyama's and they lay like that for a while, simply feeling each other's presence and sharing warmth.

Hinata finally broke their tender moment by gently kissing Kageyama and then getting up out of bed. "where are you going" Kageyama questioned. "I'm going to check in on Natsu first but I've got a conference after that, care to come along?" Hinata asked brows raised. "Hard pass" Kageyama huffed, "I might go to the shooting range today." "sure thing, ill see you later" Hinata chirped coming over to Kageyama and planting one more kiss on his cheek before jogging out the door. Kageyama smiled.

Kageyama wiped his forehead with the sleeve of his jacket, he had been practicing in the shooting range for a couple of hours. he huffed out a breath and placed the sniper he had been using back in its place. he dusted himself off just to realize it would definitely not be enough and that he needed a shower. He started making his way there when he saw a man very suspiciously look around before exiting the base through one of its back entrances. he remembered that his name was Iwaizumi. "Hey, I see you got some practice in today" Daichi along with Sugawara walked over to him and they shook hands as a greeting. Kageyama smiled and greeted Sugawara as well. Kageyama suddenly remembered the scene he just witnessed with Iwaizumi.

"Hey, Daichi I got somewhere to be, talk with you later man" Kageyama stated giving his teacher a clap on the back before walking to the back door and slipping outside. he tracked and looked for Iwaizumi but he had left no trace. Eventually, Kageyama had to give up his search and return to base.

That night Hinata and Kageyama made there way up to the balcony to look at the stars.

"Hey, there's been something I've been meaning to ask you" Kageyama questioned. Hinata looked up at Kageyama expectantly. "If there is a mole among our ranks why haven't the government attacked us yet I mean what are they waiting for" Hinatas brow crinkled with concentration. "actually they did try to attack our base once before you got here. we layed traps and positioned ourselves well enough that we were able to completely wipe them out. They will try again soon as they have enough information though it's just a matter of time." He sighed before continuing. " I also think they enjoy toying with us, picking us off one at a time"

Kageyama let out a breath and wrapped his arms around Hinata's shoulders pulling the orange-haired boy closer to him. They stood there looking at the stars for what felt like an eternity before quietly slipping inside and heading down the hall way. Hinata grabbed Kageyama's hand and gently started to rub circles into the back of it practically dragging him into his room. The boy had a very cruel looking smile on his face before he pounced on Kageyama who grabbed the small boy by the ass and flung both of them onto the bed. Their lips met and tiny fireworks erupted taking over Kageyama's senses. Hinata dragged his hands through Kageyama's hair deepening the kiss further, Kageyama ground his body into Hinata's in response. Hinata let out a small moan and Kageyama practically growled ripping of Hinata"s shirt as Hinata worked to unbutton his pants. Cloths on the floor and body tangled they definitely did not get to bed till much later that night.

Sorry about the filler chapter! it'll get more interesting next chapter I promise.

Until next time ~❤️~

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