The precipice

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Kageyama knew he would never get tired of waking up with Hinata in his arms. He would never get tired of laying there and watching him sleep or kissing him awake. That's exactly how that morning went. Kageyama spent the day missing Hinata while doing trivial chores. he helped Sugawara look after kids and assisted the gunsmith with her work. By the end of the day, he was exhausted...but in a good way. The kind of exhausted that meant you had a fulfilling day.

On the way to the cafeteria for diner, Kageyama looked up at the sky and realized it was almost dark. He began to hurry eagerly awaiting to see Hinata and get something to eat. If the hall weren't creepily quiet he might not have heard the faint clicking noise coming from close by. Curious Kageyama snuck along the wall and peeked around the corner to see Iwazumi sneakily leaving though a different side door than last time. Kageyama made a split-second decision and decided to follow him outside into the night.

He followed Iwazumi for 5 minutes until the trees let up and he walked into a small clearing. He felt the first drops of rain and within minutes he was soaked. Kageyama watched as Iwazumi navigated effortlessly through the roots of a large tree to a small spot where a pile of stones lay. Iwazumi was clearly not a mole, he had come to see a grave of whom Kageyama did not know. Kageyama looked at their surroundings and realized that they were directly next to the ocean he could see the edge of the drop off that led to the dark waves below and could hear the deafening sound of the waves crashing on the shore. The sound was heightened by the boom of thunder that accompanied it. Kageyama was suddenly very worried about Hinata. he sighed and went to slip away quietly when he heard rustling in the opposite direction of Iwazumi and his head snapped in that direction.

By the time Kageyama knew what was happening it was already too late, a bullet whizzed through the air hitting iwazumi in the shoulder. Iwazumi ducked and rolled behind a boulder trying to shield himself from the hailstorm of bullets now being fired at him. Kageyama brought out the pistol and crept around the attackers left flanks and peered out. It as a group of four people, His gut churned when he realized that Oikawa was with them. Kageyama's stomached dropped even further and his eyes widened in horror when he saw who else was trailing behind the group of four government agents. The mole kept an even pace with them but it was clear he wouldn't fight.

It was a kid, Kageyama remembered seeing him around somewhere maybe at the schoolyard. The government new how to play on their opponent's weaknesses we would have never guessed that a kid would betray us. The group of five continued to advance toward Imaizumi who was losing blood fast.

Kageyama aimed his pistol and took a steadying breath. He was completely focussed on saving Iwazumi when he fired his first two shots taking out two of the random pawns flanking Oikawa. Oikawa spun towards him eyes wide and Kageyama fired but Owikawa was able to dodge it jumping behind a tree close by. The other agent wasn't very lucky and got a shot to the abdomen. Kageyama continued to fire at Oikawa who returned his fire shot for shot. "Shit" Kageyama seethed realizing he had used all his amo. He took a wild risk and dodged out from his cover like a bullet, catching Oikawa off guard he jumped on top of him and knocked his gun away before he could get any shots off.

"You" Owikawa growled trying to get Kageyama off him. "I should have killed you when I had the chance," he said as he nailed Kageyama in the stomach. Oikawa got up and made a dash for his gun but Kageyama managed to kick it. Both of the men watched as it went tumbling off the side of the cliff which was barely visible in the dying light, "maybe you should have" Kageyama replied trying desperately to get the upper hand. Oikawa pushed Kageyama off him wrapping his hands around his throat and pinning him with his legs. "well its time I finished the job.' He sneered looking down on him with a sinister smile.

Kageyama's lungs were on fire as he tried feebly to get Owikawa off him. Oikawa only pressed harder. Kageyama began to become light-headed. Suddenly the weight lifted off of him and he took in deep gasping breathes. he looked over in shock to see Hinata now wrestling with Oikawa dangerously close to the cliff's edge. He could just make out the glassy look of rage in Hinata's brown eyes before it was lost again in a tangle of punches and kicks.

It was only then that Kageyama noticed just how close to the cliff the pair was. It was too close. Kageyama tried to call out to Hinata but his voice was hoarse and he couldn't be heard over the crashing of waves. He scrambled to get closer but was still weak from Almost suffocating under Owikawa's grip. A flash of lightning lit up the area just before Kageyama's worst fears came true and Owikawa along with Hinata tumbled right off the edge of the cliff.

"HINNATTAA" Kageyama screamed but it was far too late. He managed to scramble to the edge of the cliff just in time to see Hinata splash into the waves below. Oikawa was not so lucky he landed on a rock with a sickening thud. He would not get up. Kageyama didn't have to think before he backed up and got a running start jumping off the cliff after his lover.

Sorry for the major CLIFF hanger(yes pun intended)

until next time ~❤️~

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