Chapter 22

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Dear Readers,

Hardwin is going to a surprising incedent with a character, a character we haven't seen in a long time... can you guess who?

Constructive Critism is always appreciated!


Oglesby stared at Dauna in surprise. He tilted his head curiously and jumped down from his silver throne.

“Dauna, it is odd of you to just drop by to tell me that in person.” Oglesby glanced over at Hardwin and the wolf held his breath nervously. 

Dauna looked over at Hardwin before she caught her breath. She shook out of her fur and composed herself.

“I was wrong to say no, Bedelia.” She was staring directly at the black wolf. Bedelia blinked in surprise. “I… Lawler made me see that.” Bedelia nodded slowly and Oglesby glanced over at them.

“Well, if Dauna supports you, then I have complete faith in your cause.” Oglesby smiled. “I will support the Acelin Allies!”

A shout went through the room as Hardwin, Bedelia, Malin, and Yori all shouted out with glee. Bedelia and Malin jumped up to Dauna and repeatedly thanked them for her change of mind.

Hardwin stood their tongue tied in surprise. He felt someone brush against his side and he spun around.

“Oglesby!” he stared at his Alpha in surprise. Oglesby’s blue eyes crinkled up in amusement. “I… would you have said yes, if Dauna hadn’t?” Oglesby’s eyes darkened.

“I believe I still would have said yes. But it wouldn’t have helped your cause. Dauna has more forces than I can offer. I have been having Vixen problem too.” Hardwin blinked while Oglesby shrugged his grey shoulders. “We should be good though, they’ve surrendered.” Hardwin’s ears pinned back.

“Are you sure that we can beat them?” Oglesby’s blue eyes narrowed slightly.

“I’m not sure of anything,” he whispered faintly. “But surely you should be confident, after all, you are the reincarnation of Isha.” Hardwin started up at his leader, his eyes clouded with doubt.

“You believed in the Rankin Empire? Was that why you said yes?” Oglesby laughed softly and bent his head down to whisper in Hardwin’s ear.

“The Walwyn Empire was the Empire that believed in the Rankin Empire’s existence the most, the others thought it more of… well, a pup’s tale.” Hardwin nodded slightly. “If you were to ask anyone in this room, besides your friends and Dauna, then they’d most likely yes, that they believed. I’ll call someone over; I can see the doubt written on your face.” Oglesby lifted his head and looked slowly around the room. 

“Kerri!” he called shrilly. Hardwin’s heart stopped a beat. His ears flattened and he felt as if a rock was squeezing down on his chest. Terrible memories flooded through his brain.

They all howled in sync, their voices rumbling against the cavern walls. Hardwin could feel the eerie noise of a wolf song. The boulder tumbled down the mountain wall, smashing the snow in it’s wake. Hardwin could feel the boulder vibrations and he stumbled slightly. He could faintly hear someone’s voice call out in alarm but the memories kept coming back. “Kakra!” Kerri shrieked.Hardwin gasped out in surprise as he saw Kakra’s body disappear underneath the rock’s massive size. Hardwin cried out as he felt something grab at his heart, squeezing the breath out of him.

Kakra’s scream echoed through the cavern, sending smaller rocks to fly down. Hardwin shouted out in horror. Hardwin clenched his teeth as the guilt overtook him.

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