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Dear Readers,

I present to you, the epilogue! I hope you enjoyed my story, thank you for staying with me till the end!


It had been a few days since the final battle. Apologies were shared as well as sympathy.

All the wolves had slowly recovered from the shock of their lost ones.

Hardwin looked over and stared at the Empires below him. Oglesby had survived, and he quickly retired from his leadership. The old wise wolf had showed Hardwin his favorite spot to stare out across the Empires.

It was on a secluded cliff just outside of the Walwyn Empire’s borders. Hardwin had started to come up and stare at the wonderful view of all the Empires. Hardwin could even make out the small tip of Shomari’s castle. It was actually Bedelia’s palace now.

Bedelia had become the new Alpha of the Rankin Empire, and she announced Malin her Beta. A great celebration had happened to celebrate a new start for the smaller Empire.

Rainier had become Alpha of the Phuoc Empire, and named Tora the Beta. A smaller, bitterer celebration was held; some of the wolves weren’t ready to give up on Lurleen’s rule. The white wolf was still so young to die. 

The Beta for the Lukina Empire, Dallin, had taken immediate control. He was gentle but serious; Lawler said that he’d make a great Alpha. Dauna would never be forgotten; she’d go down in Lukina history as a brave, courageous Alpha that had fought for her Empire.

After Oglesby retired, the Beta, Barnard became Alpha and appointed one of the loyalist guards to be Beta. Tora was furious with his decision. She believed that Hardwin should have been chosen, but the silver wolf was secretly glad that Barnard hadn’t appointed him as Beta. He’s had enough responsibility thrust upon him.

Hardwin was sitting down on the cliff, staring out into the clear sky. He heard soft paw steps from behind and his ear flicked.

“Hardwin?” he turned around in surprise to see Bedelia’s green eyes and black fur. She tilted her head at him curiously. “Are you alright?” Hardwin nodded, but a dull throb from his wounds told him otherwise.

“I’m just a little sore.” Bedelia stared at him incredulously. “Alright, fine. I’ve just been thinking about the Destroyer.” Bedelia padded up next to him and sat down.

“What about him?” Hardwin looked over at her and snorted.

“I’m just worried he’s going to come back. What if he tries to posses some other wolf again?” Bedelia’s eyes softened and she smiled softly.

“We know what to expect now, don’t we?” Hardwin rolled his eyes and turned away from her. Bedelia frowned at him. “Well, if he does show up again. We’ll be ready for him.” Hardwin nodded, feeling slightly more relieved to find that Bedelia wasn’t worried about the Destroyer. 

“How’s the Rankin Empire going?” Hardwin smiled over at her slyly. Bedelia snorted with distaste.

“Eh, we’re alright. Nothing real exciting has happened so I have nothing to report.” Hardwin nodded in understanding. “Verona wanted me to tell her that she forgives you.” Hardwin’s ears pinned back at the thought of Penwyn’s lifeless form.

“That’s great,” he replied numbly. Bedelia smiled slightly. Hardwin took a deep breath, calming his nerves.

“Kerri also wanted to meet up with you sometime and go hunting.” Hardwin looked over at Bedelia in surprise. 

“Are you just everyone’s messenger today?” Bedelia smirked and her tail flicked.

“Tora wanted me to tell you that you better get your furry butt back over to her before she comes and finds you.” Hardwin snorted and rolled his eyes. “And Lawler said that Dallin was a fine Beta, and he’s going to be a good Alpha for the Lukina Empire.” Hardwin nodded, relieved that all was well with the world.

He laid his head down on his paws as he looked over the edge of the cliff, suddenly feeling calm. Bedelia lay down next to him, her fur faintly touching his. All was tranquil so the two wolves drifted off to sleep.

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