Chapter 8

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049's P.O.V

All of the MTF laid lifeless on the floor. "Let's start searching the bodies." I said as I leaned down to one of the MTF. There was one body we were looking for, the leader. Only he had a high enough level key card to open one of the gates.

After a while of searching, I eventually found the key card. "Mask, I have it, let's go before more come." I said. He sat up and nodded. Then we started to make our way through the halls.

I couldn't believe I had grown so used to this place. Especially the breaches. I was used to it being so dark during a containment breach. Used to the sudden screams and then silence. I was used to the alarms blaring. The random people scattered around the place.

But now I was leaving, I hadn't been in the outside world in quite a while. We didn't know how it had changed. How everyone would think of us now. We were already considered a bit sketchy back then, but now we look-

"Doctor! Look it's a map!" The mask said, breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked to the map. It seemed like we were near a gate. It was gate A. It would just be a few more turns around corners and then a straight shot down to the gate.

"Alright, let's go." I said as I started to walk towards where the gate was. The mask followed. Soon, we found gate A. I took out the card and opened the door with it. The doors slowly opened.

Luckily for us, there was no one in the gate. So we went inside the gate and called down the elevator. We stepped inside the elevator then pressed the button. Then there was an awkward silence.

Soon enough though, we arrived. At first the sun was blinding. I was used to the darkness of the foundations halls. Not the brightness of the sun. But then my eyes adjusted. It was nice and bright outside, the sun shining and it was warm.

"We're... Out." I said slowly. I couldn't believe it, we were out! We were actually free! "Where do we go now?" The mask asked. I froze. We hadn't thought about that yet. "We could... Go to my house." I said as I turned to him. "That sounds nice. We haven't been there in ages! It will definitely be in desperate need of being taken care of!"

I crave your Touch (049 x 035) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now