Not Feeling too Well.

774 28 12

Third Person P.O.V

"Mask?" The doctor said softly, tapping the mask's shoulders again. "What?!" The mask whipped his head around to look at the doctor angrily. His mask was of an anger that the doctor had never seen. But almost immediately the mask turned to tragedy, sadness. "Oh..." The mask got up off the doctor, picking up Josie as well. "I'm sorry..." The mask said sadly. "It's okay." The doctor replied as he got up.

But the mask didn't seem calmed, if anything he seemed more stressed. The doctor sighed. "I promise, it's completely fine mask." The doctor said again. "Let's just get going." The mask mumbled. The doctor almost felt hurt the way the mask said that, but he didn't really have a choice. "Shy, you go get Patches." The doctor said. Shy walked over to the cage that Patches was still in, and picked him up.

The doctor then walked in a random direction, with the others following behind him, the mask falling to the back of the group.


The day had turned into night, the sun was now setting and the group was still walking. The doctor then sighed and stopped. "We should take a break." He said as he turned to the others. They all nodded. Larry went to go lazily sit under a tree, Shy sat down in the middle of the ground and started petting Patches, while the mask started picking up sticks. The doctor looked at the mask curiously, he walked over to the mask. "Why are you picking up sticks?" The doctor asked. "We'll need a fire." The mask replied simply. "Oh, of course..."

The doctor walked to a tree and sat beside it, leaning on the tree. The doctor pulled out his most recent journal. Despite the fact that he had just got the journal a year ago, it was thick, barely able to hold all the notes and documents inside of it. He had mostly been using it to write down his research for the perfect cure, but occasionally he would write down things that happened to him, and sometimes about certain patients that didn't have the pestilence. So the doctor took out his pen, and began to write.

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