Chapter 16

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I can't believe this is happening. I still feel like someone should wake me up from the dream before I gain too much hope. We could get them all back. After this, after today, America could be back in my arms, making old age jokes and singing off-key.

Before I go in, I take a minute to sit down and breathe. Closing my eyes, I take a moment to truly imagine what it would be like with her back in my life. Even after five years, I still remember every little detail: the way her eyebrows and nose scrunched up when she was confused, the fiery red hair she eventually died brown, and her obsession with musicals.

We have to do this. For her, and for everyone.

I stand and steal a glance at the picture I carry with me no matter what, one of our first kiss as husband and wife. She looked so pretty in that dress. I don't think I've ever been happier.

There's no use sitting here. Any moment I stall is another moment spent away from her. I pick up my shield for the first time in years and join the others as we walk towards the Quantum Time Machine, a device we've finally managed to perfect. Even so, we only have one trip each.

When we all circle up on the platform, I realize they expect me to make a speech. I am the team's leader, after all. Right now, they need motivation. I clear my throat and say exactly what comes to mind.

"Five years ago, we lost. All of us. We lost friends... We lost family... We lost a part of ourselves. Today, we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams, you know your missions. Get the stones, get them back. One round trip each. No mistakes. No do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know. But it doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives. And we're gonna win."

Tony glances up on me, this small smirk on his face. Maybe after all this is over, we can finally reconcile our differences and become friends again. I'd like that.

"Whatever it takes. Good luck," I say, stepping back.

"He's pretty good at that," Rocket says, gesturing to me with what might be respect. Scott nods enthusiastically.


"All right. You heard the man. Stroke those keys, Jolly Green!" Tony yells.

"Tractors engaged." Bruce begins to set up the machine for our mission while Rocket turns to Clint.

"You promise to bring that back in one piece, right?" He points to the little shrunken spaceship in Clint's hand with apprehension.

Clint gives him a weak smile and chuckle, clearly nervous. He so badly wants his family back, and I know exactly what he's going through. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. I'll do my best."

"As promises go, that was pretty lame."

Pietro rolls his eyes at me across the platform. I worry momentarily about him, but he'll be fine. I wanted him to come to New York with us, mainly because he's my brother and I wanted to keep an eye on him, but he insisted that he'd be better placed somewhere else. As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. He'll be fine. Rhodey and Nebula will be with him. And his abilities make it nearly impossible to kill him anyway.

Of course, I used to think that about Mer, but she had a knack for getting shot more than people with average speed.

Next to me, Natasha's practically glowing with the excitement of seeing all of our friends and family again. She winks at me and says, "See you in a minute." She makes me smile in a moment I never thought I would. Our masks slide over our faces as the machine hums to life and pulls us into the Quantum Realm.

There's a brief moment of falling, like a rollercoaster, before we all materialize in between New York skyscrapers. It's the oddest thing ever, falling out of nothing into our past.

"All right, we all have our assignments," I say, ducking as a Chitauri alien swoops down low near us. "Two Stones uptown, one Stone, down. Stay low. Keep an eye on the clock."

I hear a roar, followed by a few crashes, and correctly predict the entrance of the Hulk, or at least the 2012 one. Bruce covers his face in embarrassment as his past self rampages on.

"Feel free to smash a few things along the way," I advise. He shrugs and rips off his shirt. I don't think I'm ever going to get used to this half-Hulk half-Bruce state, but it doesn't really matter.

"I think it's gratuitous, but whatever." He smashes a few cars and throws a motorcycle against a wall as sarcastically as he possibly can before heading to the Sanctum, where he'll find Doctor Strange and the Time Stone.

Scott, Tony and I walk down the streets as quickly as we can, avoiding Chitauri and 2012 us as much as possible. I do catch a glimpse of Natasha and I at one point. We look so young. But it's not the appearance of our past selves that causes me to stop in my tracks.

It's Mer.

I see her through the window of that crummy breakfast place she used to work at. The place where Tony flirted with her and we found out she used to work with Hydra. There she is, red hair braided back as she sweeps the floors, swaying her hips to whatever she's listening to in her headphones. Probably Broadway. There's this cute little smile on her face as she works, completely oblivious to the world outside. I almost forgot that this was the day we met.

"Who are you? Miss, you're hurt. That looks bad. I can get you to SHIELD, they'll help-"

"No! Please don't take me to SHIELD. Please, I'm begging you!"

"What? Why? Who are you?"

""It doesn't matter. I just- I need to go. Now. Please let me. Captain, don't try to follow me."

""Please go find yourself some help, then. I'll forget I found you."

I didn't forget, not in the slightest. I couldn't shake her desperation and fear from my mind and kept wondering if I made the right choice in letting her go. Then we found her the next day, and the rest is history.

"Cap, come on!" Tony calls. Both he and Scott are about twenty feet in front of me, and he jogs over, confused at my pause. "We need to get moving, remember? Your words, not mine. We've got a - oh." He finally sees her through the window and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Come on. We've got to get going if we want to plan this right. We're going to get her back, but we need to go now."

It's not like I wanted to go talk to her. I just wanted to see her. I look at her one more time. This America, 2012 America, doesn't know me yet. She doesn't know her family, or her real name, or how to trust. I need to bring my Mer back to a world where she has all of that and more.

"Let's go."

So excited for the next few chapters. PLEASE vote and comment! Xo

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