Chapter 9

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"I need backup!" I yell as I punch another alien down, but another takes its place. I'm fast, but I have no way to combat these sheer numbers. One of them tackles me. My breath comes quickly as I wrestle with it.

Someone knocks it off of me. Pietro holds out a hand and pulls me up. We run out of the action before he asks, "you good?"

I nod. "Thanks."

"Mer, you okay?" I'm relieved to hear Steve's voice through my earpiece.

"Yeah, I'm fine now. Pietro helped me out. But Steve, there are too many of them. We need to do something."

My eyes widen as a massive beam of rainbow light lands about fifty feet away from us. Lightning crackles in the air and electrocutes all of the surrounding aliens. An ax flies out of the beam, killing even more of them. It returns to the origin, where Thor catches it. Thor. There are two others with him, a tree-like thing and a raccoon, but it's Thor.

"Yes!" I yell. I haven't seen Thor in years, and I've never been more happy to see him.

His eyes glow blue with lightning. " Thanos!" He bellows, running into the fray of battle.

I grin at Pietro. "See you in a minute?"

He nods, his blue eyes lighting up with that old mischievous spark I missed so much. I'm so glad we made up. "Just like old times."

That same feeling of excitement intensifies when Wanda enters the field in a swirl of scarlet. They must have finished with Vision. Good. And now we have another powerful ally.

Hope starts to build up inside of me. The tides are turning. We're really going to win.

I fight. I fight like I never have before because I have to. Each kick, stab, shot, is executed with precision I haven't used since my days as the Night Wind. Right now, this is the battle of our lives.


I eventually find Steve in the forest. He gives me a tight hug but lets go as the wind around us picks up. It's not a normal breeze. More unnatural. Something is definitely wrong.

"Everyone on my position," he says, glancing at me. "We have incoming."

"It'll be okay," I whisper, but I don't believe the words I'm saying.

Natasha, T'Challa, Okoye, and Sam join us as we walk carefully through the trees, wary of anyone In the distance, a purplish-Black cloud appears, and out of it steps a tall, muscular, purple alien of some sort.

"Cap, that's him," Bruce says. It's Thanos, wearing a gauntlet with five of the six infinity stones.

"Eyes up, stay sharp."

Within seconds, Thanos has used the stones to imbed the Hulkbuster into a mountain. Steve runs ahead next only to be thrown sideways. I scream in anger and run, but he freezes me on the spot and slams me against a tree. I groan and massage my head, trying to stop the double-vision. Briefly, everything goes black.

When I open my eyes, it's not Steve shaking me. It's Bucky. He pulls me up and lowers his gun. "Good, you're okay. Where's Steve?"

"I don't know. Where's Anna?"

"I don't know." Our worried eyes meet each other. "Steve, Anna, where are you guys? Are you okay?"

"I'm coming to you guys. I'm at the bottom of the hill." Bucky immediately runs down the hill to find his wife, desperate to make sure she's all right.

"On your left," Steve jokes quietly. He limps over to me, and I quickly throw my arms around him. "You're alive."

"Yeah, I'm alive. So are you, thank goodness," I mumble into his chest before pulling away. "Where'd he go?"

"I don't know."

"Did he do it? I was knocked out. He snapped his fingers?"


All throughout the woods, people begin to scream for each other. No.









"Where are you?"


A sudden wave of nausea rushes over me. I take a deep breath and turn to my husband, who's fallen under the same, terrifying spell as everyone else. "Anna!" he yells, jogging over to the edge of the mountain. "Buck! Are you guys okay?"

"Steve?" I stammer, my voice wobbling. He runs over, fear in his eyes. He thought I was safe.

"Mer," he mutters, wrapping his arms around me to help me stand. It's like my legs can't support me anymore. I lean against his chest, fighting for each breath, but all around me, it's like the world is closing in. "Doll, it's gonna be all right. You're all right."

"Steve, it's okay," I whisper raggedly. It hurts. I don't want to admit that I'm afraid to die, but I am. I've been so close so many times. I don't even get to die a heroic death saving someone I love. I'll just cease to exist. The thought brings tears to my eyes. "I love you."

"Shh. I love you too. You've got to stay with me," he says, voice practically begging. I've only ever seen him cry twice. Once was at our wedding. The other was when I woke up after almost dying from that fall. I don't want to see it again, but his blue eyes glisten with unshed tears. "Stay with me, please. I can't do this without you."

I want to. So badly. "Talk to me. Anything. Just keep talking."

"We'll go home," he whispers softly, trying to stay strong for me, for the two of us. His voice cracks. "I'll take you home. To Brooklyn. And we'll grow old together, you and me. We'll tell our kids about all the places we saw when we were younger and I'll finally take you to see a musical. Well surround ourselves with pictures of our wedding and honeymoon and random adventures in New York. And I'll hold you every night, Mer, I promise."

I'm in his arms until I feel nothing at all.

So, this happened...

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