Chapter 20

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Battle breaks out all around me. I attack with stealth, using both my speed and my metal hand with precision. At the same time, I'm scanning the field for familiar faces. They're everywhere, but I'm only looking for two. One, really.

"Lady Liberty." Tony blasts a Chitauri alien out of my way and lands next to me. He salutes. "Long time, no see."

I grin. "So I've heard. Did you miss me?"

"Oh, more than anything."

I wink and shoot at one another one. "How've you been?"

"Could be better, could be worse. You?"

"I was dead twenty minutes ago, so I'd say I'm doing pretty well."

I find half of Steve's shield lying on the ground and use it to protect myself from a rain of bullets. When I uncover myself, I hear a voice.


I turn around faster than I've ever turned around before and spot Steve about twenty feet away. I drop the shield and run to him, flinging myself into his arms. He holds me tightly, like he can't believe I'm real, and I don't actually touch the ground for the first minute of our embrace.

"Mer," he whispers, looking at me like I'm all of the stars and moons in the galaxy. His blue eyes glaze over with tears. "Mer."

"Hi, Steve." Fully aware of the raging battle and Thanos, I give him the softest kiss possible. He cradles my face with his hands.

"You're here."

I take his free hand in mine, feel the callouses and cuts engraved into both of our skin. "I'm here now."

"I missed you so much."

"I know. Me too." Because even though it's only been about twenty minutes for me, I know the feeling. "Not to interrupt this, but bullets are flying through the air and I'm really good at getting shot. You're in the hazard zone."

"Mer, you are a hazard zone, and I married you anyway." His face splits into the biggest grin. "You going to run off?"

"Are you kidding? After last time, I'm staying right here."

We fight side-by-side, me with a gun and half of the shield and Steve with the hammer and the other half of it. With him watching my back, I don't think I've ever felt safer. Any member of Thanos' army that comes near ends up on the ground within seconds.

Clint's voice yells into my earpiece. "Cap, what do you want me to do with this damn thing?"

"Get those stones as far away as possible!" Steve responds, smacking another alien out of my way.

"No! We need to get them back where they came from," Bruce says.

Tony also chimes in from somewhere above. "No way to get them back. Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel."

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