Always Yours - In Her Office

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"I wanted to tell you something"

He told her with a warm smile on his face.

"Go ahead"

She said...

"Actually I had insecurities regarding my daughter's safety, because my business rivals may cause any problem to her, thats why I repeatedly asked question to you, I hope You don't mind it...."

He stated his point of view.

" Mr. Wadood I uderstood your point now" .

She said and waited for him say some more things.

Okey Ms...?

He pause...

"Riza Basith Afandi ..."

She said her name.

"What a pleasent surprise, you are Mr. Basith Afandi's daughter, the successful businessman of the country, nice to meet you Ms. Afandi..."

He astonished for a moment.
And continues...

"I've not been heared about you, as you said earlier that Ilm Institution was handed over to you by father 3 years ago.. untill then where you were?" Everytime on business get togather i did'nt saw you though I attended several business related charity and parties but now as a ceo of Ilm institution.."

"Well Mr. Wadood come to my office and this is not appropriate to have a talk on the way..."

He nodded.

Both of them stay silent on the way to her office...

Riza wears a simple but elegant abaya with contrasting colour hijab which shows her face but cover her head perfectly.

Whereas Mr. Wadood on the other hand wears a white shirt along with blue colour blazer and a tie properly. A tall man with manly handsomeness and a fair skin with sharp nose and chocolaty eyes.

They entered in her office.

She firstly asked him to sit on the luxurious sofa and then she took two water bottles along with two cans of cool drink from her room refridgerator and place them on the teapoy.
She took her seat on a single sofa.

"So Mr. Wadood ...."

But he intrept her.

"Just call me Wadood ".

"Ok but I'm not the person who easily open up on their first meet so Mr. Wadood I was in abroad for my education. My complete studies were abroad only I came back to country after completion of my studies so only close relatives and friends of our family knew about me"

She explain him.

"Ms. Riza sorry to ask you but, how you follow the rituals of islam being studied in abroad and wear abaya and covered yourself properly."

He questioned her and waited for her reply but her secretary knocked on the door and entered.

"Sorry to distrub you Mam but I want some suggestion and your signature from you which is very important."

Ms. Ruby apologised her.

"Its ok Ruby let me know what kind of suggestion you want to know."

After that Ruby showed some files to her and she carefully read the files and signed on them and gave her suggestion.

Meanwhile he noticed her that she's look like a athoratative business woman.

Ms. Ruby leaved the office.

He wanted to know about her more but his cell phone rung loudly....


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