Always Yours - Family Time

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When She entered her house and her parents sat on the lawn and having their evening refreshment.

"Assalamualaikum Ammi and Abbu"

She greet them while taking a seat at cane chair.

"Walaikum salam my dear, how was your day at work ? "

Mr. Basith Afandi asked her during sipping his tea.

On the other hand Mrs. Basith Afandi called a servent to bring refreshment to Riza.

"Alhamdulillah pretty well I can say and as usual every parent wants to ensure their children's safety as they're high profile businessmen."

She replied him while keeping her stylish designer hand and car key on the tea poy.

"Thats what happen when you have too much money and equal or less than the enemy you earn."

Mr. Basith said her the truth.

"Okey please keep away your business or work issues outside the house, I'm fed with both of you having talk about business. Its a family time and especially you Basith whenever you're home which is rare please avoid business talk"

Mrs. Basith scold them.

"And you Riza go freshen up yourself and back soon and see yourself you spoiled your face and so as hair. Come to me I'll give  massage with coconut oil with the extract of almond oil which is good for hair and for your face I'll prepare some home made mask which is also good for your skin."

Mrs. Rabiya Basith told her.

"Oh Ammi please I'm fine and do my hair treatment on sundays only coz I have some work to do so it'll continues till dinner so please excuse me Ammi.

She whine to her mother and went inside the house.

At the same time Mr. Basith suppressed his laugh by sipping his tea.

Being single child of her parents she suffer alot coz Mrs. Afandi wants to fulfill all her wishes through her by giving her cooking tips and tricks and not to forget how to cook eventhough they own so many servents to work for them even they stayed on servent quarters which was located outside of their home and across from lawn area. Whenever Mr. Basith or his family need them any of them can avail their service coz the servents basically belongs from Mr. Basith's family means Mr. Basith's father appoint them from their village and they worked for Mr. Basith and his family from generation to generation.

Mr. Basith's father Mr. Mohammed Rehman Afandi had a wife Shama Rehman Afandi with two sons and a daughter. The typical man who loved his land very much. He's well  educated but also his children studied very well as their wish.

His elder son Mr. Rashid Afandi, studied agriculture and keep his ancestral land very productive. His wife Zehra Afandi passed away when his only daughter was at the age of three since then she taken care by Mrs. Basith. While His sons Roshan Afandi and Zaid Afandi doing business after the completion of their studies with their Basith Uncle and last but not least Zoya Afandi, the bubliest child of Afandi Family still studying in her matric.

Whereas Mr. Basith Afandi, younger son  of Mr. Rehman Afandi studied business from abroad and expand his business not only in his  country but few more countries around the world.He lived in city with wife Mrs. Rabiya Afandi and  only daughter Riza Afandi along with Zoya Afandi who lived on Basith villa since from childhood and studied on Ilm Institution.

Lastly Mrs. Ayesha Afandi or Ayesha Yehya Khan who lived in abroad since from her marriage with Mr. Yehya Khan and her only son Walid Khan. Who was studying his freshermen of his collage.


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