The ending

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Hey fans

Its Victoria... I am so sorry to tell you people out there this but, I have made my fanial desion to end this book. I found no point to finsih it, because it is still early in the book. Also because Rick riodan version is out, and i thought no one would want to read it. I am sorry to dissapoint anyone.

On a happier note, Thanks for all you  supporting fans. I would have never thought this book would have gotten over 50 votes, over 50 comments, and over 14,300 READS !! I LOVE that you guys loved the story. I just feel guilty for not finishing it.

This is not a good bye on Wattpad forver. Im just turing over a new leaf and moving on. If you like this version the you will love my book, LOVE IS A GAMBLE. It is a tratie (Travis Stoll and Katie Gardner) .  Go and read it! I promise you wont be dissapointed.

Again thanks for you support and love. I means the world to me. Not a good bye.. but see you soon


~Victoria (:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. Thats why we call it the present.    ~Winnie the Pooh

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