a boy who once lived an ordinary life comes into possession of a book that his grandfather gave him on his death bed and was only allowed to read it when he turned 14 now the time has come....
new parts every Saturday
Dad's face lit up and he ran to me. "So your weapon is made up of both your magic division and subdivision this is new." he started analyzing my bow and acting like a little kid. "Fire the arrow!" he was a little pushy. "O-okay?" Once I fired the arrow halfway through it changed its direction and went straight for Brooks... he couldn't react in time and it hit him. "Sil" Brooks Dropped to the ground and the arrow disappeared. Dad ran in to help him while I couldn't move, I was frozen. I muttered to myself "he's dead"
I dropped down to my knees and started screaming and crying. Clenching my hair I had that mental image replaying in my head over and over I couldn't take it. Dad picked up Brooks' body and lifted his head "gotcha!" he nudged Dad with his elbow "how was my acting, was it believable?" he looked at me and his face dropped then back at my dad with a face that said "oh shit" I was pissed so I ran up to him with my hand in flames and with as much momentum as I could muster I decked him square in the face. I knocked him back a bit. I turned around ran inside to the bar and put my headphones on.
A little later Dad carried Brooks inside, sat him on the couch and walked upstairs to me. "Hey son, take those off for a second will ya?" He tried talking to me. I just turned up the volume and he started to get pissed. "Fine if you're gonna be like that I won't sugar coat it! You knocked one of his teeth out and gave him second-degree burns on his left cheek!" I was clenching my stomach, I felt like I was going to puke but he was still yelling. "Not only that you!" He paused for a moment. "I think the effect if your roses wore off" I got up and started to walk out of the bar, dad tried to stop me "hey I'm not done talking to-" I interrupted him "I don't fucking care!" dad wasn't having it so he yelled back "to your room NOW!" he pointed upstairs, my room was on the third floor. My room was a beige color with a library desk in front of my bed which was at the back left corner of the room, and a nightstand next to it. I laid down on my bed to take a nap. A little later Brooks walked in and sat down on my bed causing me to wake up, I am a light sleeper after all. "Hey, bud you have one hell of a punch." He must have thought I was still asleep Because he sat something down on my desk and left. When I was sure he was gone I jumped up. The thing Brooks left was his book of potions I started to get curious so like anyone I started to flip through it. After a little bit of looking, I found a potion that can take away someone's magic for 24 hours. And because of the mental state, I was in I thought this would be the perfect escape back to a normal life. So an hour later I got up and went down to the basement book in hand. When I got down there brooks and dad were talking about ways they could train me with my magic I assumed dad was still mad at me so I just brushed it off as if he wasn't there and went behind the counter. I started to look for the ingredients then Brooks asked "what' cha doin' there bud?" I just responded with "stuff" and went back to what I was doing. I assumed he saw the book because he asked "what are you trying to make?" I told him nothing important then he picked me up by my hoodie. "Tell me what you're making now!" I said if I told him he wouldn't let me make it but he kept insisting. Eventually, I broke and showed him the page with the potion called
"Anti mage" once he saw it he looked as if he had seen a ghost, But that quickly changed. He turned to look at me more pissed off than ever right as I was about to explain he quickly slapped me. "Don't you fucking EVER think about making that!" he put me down and I went back upstairs into the living room and walked into the bathroom "if I can get rid of it the easy way I'll do it the hard way" so I started cutting off my roses but to my surprise, none of them started bleeding. "they..lied to me." so I started just hacking away at my roses until they were all gone. A little later after that whole fiasco, I went back into the bar. For some reason the place was packed. Brooks looked over to me "hey bud, ya thirsty?" I shook my head no and sat down by dad who was giving me this weird look "hey silver turn around for me will you?" as I did he quickly pulled my shirt up "I knew it! I thought it was weird how I couldn't sense your mana!" At that moment I knew...I was screwed.
hello everyone and sorry for the lack of updates I haven't really had the time to type up and post the chapters but I can assure you when summer hits I will have a more consistent schedule.
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