Cant work in rain

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This was written by @crookedme
I added my mayors names but other then that this is all their lovely writing lol💖
Btw that's my mayor at the top uwu


Dandy found himself walking to Beardo's house after working in the rain all day. His town wasn't complete yet, not even close to his final idea on how the town should look. He didn't mean for work to drag on this long, he needed to help the builders with getting more material and had been stopped multiple times on his way back with more and more animals asking for his help. And being himself he couldn't say no, it was a weakness of his.

And he still decided to go to the one animal that hadn't asked for his help to see if he needed help. In all honesty, if Isabelle hadn't stopped him, telling him that working 24/7 every day wasn't healthy, he most likely would keep doing it. Which now that he looked at it was funny considering Isabelle said that, but there were some days where he couldn't help but help everyone, he needs to quit that habit. And for the cherry on top, it started raining and he hadn't had an umbrella at the time, then somebody else needed it so he gave it to them so he took a piece of clothing and put it over his head. Not the best thing, it was also a possibility that he'd get a cold but it was worth it.

He soon found himself right outside Beardo's house, the house looked elegant and high class. Dandy has been inside a few times before and it looked just as elegant outside as it is inside. He knocked on the door a few times before Beardo opened the door. "Hey, Beardo do you need anything?" He asked. Beardo looked very confused as Dandy looked at him. "I think the real question is if you need anything. You don't look so good mayor." He didn't expect that response, he'll admit he did look worse for wear but did he look that bad? "Oh no, I'm good. Don't worry, I just wanted to know if you needed anything before I go." Dandy answered cautiously, not wanting to worry his friend.

"Can you come in actually?" The bear asked, the mayor did as asked and looked around. He noticed that Beardo had more things in his elegant house. The most notable was that he got a fireplace, that wasn't there last time Dandy had been there.

He stood right behind the door, not wanting to get Beardo's house wet. He knew he was soaking so he decided to go as close to the exit as possible. He realized that his friend had left, he wondered where he was until he surprised him by holding a towel in his face. "Mayor? Are you there?" Beardo asked. Jolting up the mayor realized he had zoned out, "Oh yeah! I'm here." The mayor blurted out. He always zoned out around Beardo. "Can you dry yourself off? Like I said before you don't look great..." Beardo stated.

Mayor hurried in taking the towel out of embarrassment. Beardo made him walk to the fireplace and sit down while drying himself off despite the water getting everywhere. The fire felt nice on his cold skin. Beardo grabbed a blanket and placed it around Dandy. "Sorry for getting your floors wet..." Dandy started. "Mayor you were overworked and tired, Not to mention wet. My top priority is you." The bear replied. Dandy felt a slight blush on his cheeks despite still feeling cold. "I'm assuming you went on another helping spree despite the weather?" He continued, Dandy nodded.

Beardo and Isabelle were the only ones who knew about his unhealthy habit about helping others no matter what. And Beardo could read him like a book. Dandy huddled closer to Beardo for more warmth, the bear didn't turn away in response. Dandy was happy about this as he felt a small smile forming on his lips, he felt all his hardships of the day melt away with feeling warmer. Dandy wouldn't trade this for the world.

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