Blasting off

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This lovely story was written by Silus on the coin commission amino! They did an amazing job on this story and I'm super happy with it so ye!

Dandy stumbled through the forest, careful not to trip over any stray rocks or sticks, especially at this early hour, "Spending all day trying to dust myself off would be a waste of such a beautiful day like today," he said to no one in particular, looking up as he brushed his brown and blonde hair out of his eyes, noting the lack of any clouds in the sky. Walking a bit through the forest, the canopy of treetops providing some cover from the sun every now and again, he came upon a sapling growing in the middle of the road, Dandy sighed, counting on his belt for his Delphox, before enlarging the ball and tossing it out with a slightly exasperated tone, and a roll of his eyes.
"Delphox, I choose you... again."

With the familiar sound, the pokeball popped open and his Delphox emerged, looking at the small tree, then back to him with a questioning look.
"I know Delphox, someone must have a passion for planting trees in the middle of the road, I guess. Just use cut, and I'll let you go back to resting."

The Delphox nodded once before turning back to the tree, and with a few quick slashes, almost too quick to see, the small tree reduced to nothing more than a pile of tinder, and wood scraps. Dandy nodded, holding out the pokeball, just as he was about to press the recall button, he heard a voice from just beyond the tree shout out to him, "Hold on one moment there, that Delphox is now mine!"

A young man with periwinkle hair appeared in front of Dandy with a smirk, pausing a moment before striking a pose, and reciting something that almost sounded like poetry, "Make it double! To unite all peoples within our nation! To extend our reach to the stars above! James!"

Dandy stood for a moment, glancing to his Delphox quickly before bursting into laughter, his pokemon soon joining in as the the young man, his name obviously being James, began looking more and more annoyed "Shut up, it makes sense when my partner is here!" He shouted at Dandy, quickly crossing his arms with a pout, waiting for him to finish laughing. Wiping a few tears from his eyes, and standing up straight, Dandy cleared his throat, and tried to comfort the man. "Sorry, I'm sure it's more intimidating with your partner, but what was it you said before, about my Pokémon?"

James struck another pose and said confidently, without a shred of doubt, "Oh, your Delphox is now property of Team Rocket! Now prepare to surrender! Victreebell, I choose you!" A pokeball was thrown into the space between them, the Victreebell wheezing slightly before James commanded "Use Vine Whip on that Delphox!" The Victreebell paused for a moment before turning around and grabbing James, gobbling him up as he struggled against the vines, berating the Victreebell as he tried to escape.

Dandy watched him for a moment, and considered leaving him before walking over taking the pokeball off the ground, aiming at the Pokemon, and pressing the return button, recalling the Victreebell into the pokeball, and James falling flat on his face with a small whimper, lying there for a moment before Dandy helping him up and dusted him off. "You okay there Mr Team Rocket?" James nodded silently, a few tears welling up before Dandy wiped off a few dirt smudges from James 's face.

"Hey, you okay there?" James nodded and stepped away from Dandy, collecting his fallen pokeballs and cleaning them off. Pausing for a few moments and glancing at his Delphox, Dandy spoke up again. "Hey James, my pokemon and I are headed to a small meadow for a nice picnic, would you like to join us?"
"I would actually, if you don't mind!" James smiled widely and ran over to Dandy, taking hold of his hand hesitantlybefore starting off alongside him, soon arriving at the meadow. Dandy set his backpack down and spread out the food and blanket on the grass, a soft breeze blowing gently through the meadow, ruffling the grass around the two young men.

Dandy sat with James for a moment, thinking quietly before speaking, "So... You said you had a partner?"
"Yeah, but she is gone right now, just a fight we had about our team..."
"Oh, I'm sorry, hopefully she'll be back soon!" Dandy, would reach down, and toss out his pokeballs, releasing his Incineroar, Delphox, and Mudkip, pointing to a pile of food for each of them as he relaxed on the blanket. "Hm, hopefully, because we need to report back to The Boss soon!"

Dandy nodded understandably, giving James a small pat on the shoulder, "So James, what got you into trying to steal pokemon?"
"Just a lack of other things to do I would say, plus I thought I'd be pretty good at it but..."
"I understand, I'm trying to find pokemon to start a daycare centre, but all I have are these empty pokeballs..." Dandy pulled out a few pokeballs and pressed the middle button, the denial sound beeping slightly harshly as he shrugged and put it back in his backpack. "Anywa--" Dandy was cut off as a cloud of gas came rolling across the meadow, spurred on by a redhead woman, and a Meowth, disembarking from a hot air balloon, who smirked as the gas began to surround and affect Dandy, turning him lethargic as he collapsed onto the blanket, feeling as though he was held down by lead weights, the woman and Meowth ran over to James, giving him a gas mask that matched their own. "So, ya found anotha sucka huh Jimmy?!" The Meowth asked and chuckled, walking over to Dandy and grabbing his pokeballs, recalling his Mudkip, Incineroar, and Delphox, all three fast asleep from the gas.
Laughing in his face, the trio took the pokeballs from his backpack, adding them to a large burlap sack. James stood there and looked at Dandy, an apology in his eyes as he walked away, tripping over Dandy's backpack, spilling Pokeballs as he scrambled to pick them back up as they rolled everywhere. The redhead was admonishing James harshly, "Oh dear James, can't you do ANYTHING right? First you run off, now you're spilling all of our spoils! Now hurry up and let's get out of here before this kid kid wakes up!" James glanced at Dandy one last time, nodding as he hoisted the bag onto his back and carried it into the basket of the hot air balloon. The last thing Dandy saw was James looking back, watching him until he passed out.

Dandy awoke a few hours later, a pounding sensation behind his eyes. Sitting up, he looked around, noting the sun nearly fully set, and noticed the blanket and his bag strewn about. He stood, and went about collecting his things, packing what was left of the food and folding up the blanket, cursing internally that he let himself be fooled by a Team Rocket member. Dandy looked around, spotting the road back to town, and took a few steps before tripping over something. Looking down, he noticed a few round objects in the grass, and bent over to pick them up, along with a scrap of paper nearby to read the hastily written scribbles on it. He pulled a small flashlight from his backpack and looked the note over, "Dandy, I'm sorry my team knocked you out with our Koffing, but I hope these can help make up for it. -James". Turning the light onto the objects, Dandy saw six pokeballs, a little dirty from the ground, but otherwise unmarked, tossing the pokeballs out, his Incineroar, Delphox, and Mudkip emerged from three of them, as well as three new pokemon. An Onix, a Pidgey, and a Butterfree. Smiling, Dandy returned the pokemon before starting off towards his home again, filled with determination and confidence to start his own Daycare centre.


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